Discord ID: 364168664884314112
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so you gutys are commies?
like you guys are like pro stailn and stuff
tell i am a liberal
pretty moderate
what do you mean?
i am not a neo liberal
i belive in free healthcare
free college
that is one of the stupidest things i have read
how is liberalism harmfull
how is demcroecy a lie?
they vote for however they think will help them
they thought Trump would help them
cause there chosse the lesser of 2 evils
wanna know why?
cause every time they get more desprate
i dont think you understand how people think
if that were true Hillary would have won
she got more positive covrage
on tv
if the coverage is nigaitive
following your logic
they should lose
people only do what there rtold to
by the tv
yes but if there getting better coverage following your logic your more likely to win
true Trump did get alot more
to an extent thatstrue
but not fully
look at Sanders he got next to none
and he almost won
1 hes not
and this is post election
Trumps in the white house Clinton might as well be dead and Sanders is still being his great self
cause i reserch
more are
more now than ever before
and ever increasing in number
in the futrue
almost happened with Sanders
never said she was good
@Firefly so insaid of fixing it we get rid of it?
i support Berine i hate the corrpote dems
@Firefly you have shown me how its falwed in the us not how it dosnt work
he ran with them cause they were his best chances of winning
cause hes a republian
he belives in ubpublian policy
is corrupt
@Deleted User a misspelling of reubplicain
@Firefly your an idiot but lets keep debating
@ failing to spell cause your a retard
@Firefly its ment to be a limitation to stop things like facism
@Firefly they were due to people strrugling
@Deleted User thats what i ment i miswordd XD
@Firefly yes but there are cases where is very bad due to a number of reasons
@Deleted User i am nether i am just stupid
@Firefly i ment the sitaution people were in were bad like the grea depperation
@Deleted User thats the kind of enverioment that leads to stuff like facism so its the govermnts job to make sure that dosnt h happen and if it dose offer soultions
@Firefly Obama helped fix stuff after the resssission
@Deleted User think i do have a decent understanding
@Firefly unemployment is at a record low the econmey is more or less stabe
@Firefly Obama did liie alot but he did fix the econmy
@Deleted User it was under Trump but Trump hasnt changed the econmy
@Deleted User and the econmy started to get better around 2010 201
@Deleted User what do you mean how so he hasnt done anything to it
@Deleted User the data shows it got better
the data on the econmy and job growth
both got better by around 2012
not that quick
and it could have goneinto a deppression
but it didnt
the recession was 2008 and it was better by 2012
so no i dont thimk so
@Deleted User not if the gov sits on its arse
@Deleted User i ment if Obama did nothing i dount it would have recovered
i misworded
yh i ment like dictators ans stuff
you kno what i mean
like rulers that have full power
there are some cases where dictators come to power thourgh it
off topic
what do you guys think of free speech?
@Deleted User suprised you said that
though you guys hated it
@Deleted User thats free speech
@Deleted User fair enough
@Deleted User yh and they shouldnt
@Deleted User you dont have the right to scilence them and vis versa
@Deleted User who?
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