Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 368492118571745281
Well no shit.
Why do you think that trump chose the GOP?
cause hes a republian
he belives in ubpublian policy
is corrupt
@MRLOcelot23 it doesn't work because it's a limitation. It does not allow for an authoritharian organization which is much better. There must be a complex of institutions. Authoritarian institutions must work alongside with democratic. Otherwise democracy leads to fascism, neoliberalism, chruschevism.
@MRLOcelot23 And what is ubpublian policy?
@Deleted User a misspelling of reubplicain
@Firefly your an idiot but lets keep debating
@MRLOcelot23 why?
@MRLOcelot23 And what is reubplicain theory?
@ failing to spell cause your a retard
@Firefly its ment to be a limitation to stop things like facism
@MRLOcelot23 but fascist were elected.
@MRLOcelot23 Are you fucking retarded?
It was meant to be put in place so that kings and leaders could not gain too much power
@Firefly they were due to people strrugling
Fascism was not a thing yet.
@Deleted User thats what i ment i miswordd XD
@MRLOcelot23 people always struggle.
@MRLOcelot23 I assume that you are either 10, or english is your second language.
@Firefly yes but there are cases where is very bad due to a number of reasons
@Deleted User i am nether i am just stupid
@MRLOcelot23 what is bad? The democratic system bringing fascism is bad?
@Firefly He obviously does not know what he is talking about.
@Firefly i ment the sitaution people were in were bad like the grea depperation
@MRLOcelot23 What?
@Deleted User thats the kind of enverioment that leads to stuff like facism so its the govermnts job to make sure that dosnt h happen and if it dose offer soultions
@MRLOcelot23 Are you really fucking dense?
@MRLOcelot23 this situations happen all the time. You re-elected Bush, Obama. Even so they been lying to your face 24 hours a day for months
@Firefly Obama helped fix stuff after the resssission
@MRLOcelot23 Come back to me when you actually know what you are talking about, because you obviously have less than a surface level understanding of what you are trying to debate.
@MRLOcelot23 he didn't do anything he was talking about and got re-elected.
@Deleted User think i do have a decent understanding
@Firefly unemployment is at a record low the econmey is more or less stabe
@MRLOcelot23 how is that making lying to you better?
@MRLOcelot23 That is under the trump administraition....
@Firefly Obama did liie alot but he did fix the econmy