Message from @boberino
Discord ID: 373114710041821194
Mmm, but I think some sort of governing body will always be required
And I don't want to be dishonest in that this would be statelessness, because this in itself would be some form of a state still
So I'm somewhere between a communist and socialist
Well governance isn't necessarily a state
The only purpose I see the state as being for is to organize
It wouldn't really need to act as policing
This is true. I suppose my opinions on the topic are still developing honestly.
I really need to read more
I've had my days filled with work lately though.
I oughta get to bed, night brother
ayy lmao
Comrade Reddit strikes again! We should increase reddit immigration to this server tbh
Michael Bay is making a Dora the Explorer movie
Oh wait what
National.... Socialism.
eh no
thats for strassrism
natsoc doesnt use real socialism
So what would you call antizionist strasserism
antizionist strasserism
mate strasserism has antizionists in it
im just not one of em
Doesn't strasserism not mind the existence of Israel?
no, most strasserists support israel
but some dont
But you support Israel
So you're a zionist strasserist
im an extreme supporter of israel
socialism without internationalism is fascism.
just sayin