Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 588003603508232223

2019-06-09 10:34:15 UTC  

You take on ideologies because who you are, jews are bad ppl they do evil and take you away from god. Serriously tho, this whole scapegoat of religion is jewery. Jews are they way they are because of their gentic instinct and behaviour, it is their nature to decive and screw other ppl over.

2019-06-10 01:31:35 UTC  

@Deleted User Well no that’s the white psyche with hundreds of years of imperialism and colonialism.

2019-06-10 01:32:03 UTC  

The Jews kinda just hung around for like 2000 years doing nothing until capitalism apparently according to you.

2019-06-10 01:59:56 UTC  

joo man bad

2019-06-10 02:04:17 UTC  

you wot

2019-06-10 09:27:06 UTC  

Doing nothing ?

2019-06-10 09:27:28 UTC  

right that is bullshit when you look at the money loaning and the whole slavery thing that was mainly ran by jews

2019-06-10 09:28:05 UTC  

christianity preventing money lending and what not, with christianity being made by jews and the money lending done by jews

2019-06-10 09:28:25 UTC  

most big war shit and conflict was fianced by jews

2019-06-10 18:58:47 UTC  

@Deleted User Money lending existed in Italian banking and was a thing way before them too in the Roman Empire and some kingdoms before that, slavery wasn’t ran by “Jews” in reality it was run by African warlords and European merchants and kingdoms, most “wars” were not financed by Jews idiot. The Jewish population for many years were very isolated, nor were they even substantially wealthy, we are talking about a period were merchants were not that rich, not that well respected because it was still a feudal fucking society you dolt.

2019-06-10 18:58:56 UTC  

You’re just saying things that clearly aren’t true.

2019-06-10 19:36:11 UTC  

european (merchants)?? most of the slave owners and ppl fiancing slave ships were jewish

2019-06-10 19:36:51 UTC  

just because theer was lending in itally doesnt excludes money lending to christians by jews

2019-06-10 19:39:30 UTC  

its funny that you lie and decieve your ass off then finish with "You’re just saying things that clearly aren’t true."

2019-06-10 19:40:12 UTC  

the chutzpah

2019-06-10 19:41:29 UTC  

It is money lending that lead to the ammasing of wealth by jews and here you are just simply stating that money lenders were never a thing

2019-06-10 22:28:37 UTC  

@Deleted User What do you mean lol, what are you talking about european powers literally wanted slavery are you just saying "NUH UH JEWS WENNNN DOWNA AFRIKKAAA N SOMEHOW TOK SLAVVVVVVVDS" that makes no sense, are you saying that the millions of slaves owned by whites and huge european powers like Spain, like Portugal, like France, like the UK, all just were forced by "jews" to own these slaves. Again money lending didn't just lead to Jews becoming big boys in finances, nor did I even say that money lenders were ever thing, instead ya know just saying that money lending existed FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS, it isn't just some Jews. Plus soon *some* jews not all are clearly rich, were able to use European trade routes and power, and was able to utilize it in order to gain wealth from their existing businesses at the dawn of capitalist society, along with the mostly white boys amassing wealth and exploiting the other 80% of the world.

2019-06-11 13:53:58 UTC  

>jews did not do any slavery
>not all the wealth jews got was from slavery
>jews got wealthy from slavery
Pick one

2019-06-11 13:54:22 UTC  

You have so much deception bullshit and misdirection you just earned yourself 100 jew points

2019-06-11 13:56:10 UTC  

>(((white boy`s)))

2019-06-11 13:56:23 UTC  

"along with the mostly white boys amassing wealth and exploiting the other 80% of the world."

2019-06-11 13:56:57 UTC  

You clearly are in complete denail about the wealth in the banking system, you willingly ignore thie fact that these (((bankers))) own the world

2019-06-11 14:04:21 UTC  

Btw it was the UK that put a stop to slavery, so you make comments that are 100% jewery

2019-06-13 01:08:06 UTC  

@Deleted User Jews both did slavery in the USA and were against it

2019-06-13 01:08:19 UTC  

Sure some jews got wealthy off slavery so what

2019-06-13 08:22:13 UTC  

Jew ^^^

2019-06-13 15:22:58 UTC  

im betting the ones that were against it were not making money of it

2019-06-13 15:23:41 UTC  

There was a law made that would stop the breeding of irish girls to make mulatoes as it cut the profits of the slave trade

2019-06-14 22:59:26 UTC  

@Deleted User What are you talking about lol, Jews weren't the one's who financed slavery that was Italian banking companies, European kingdoms, and White merchants.

2019-06-15 00:20:52 UTC  

wasnt just wypipo tho

2019-06-15 08:37:39 UTC  

Itally didnt even excisted as a country untlil 1850

2019-06-15 08:38:17 UTC  

this is way later then the slave trade, you are full off shit and presenting nothing but deception and misinformation mixed with a large load of bullshit.

2019-06-15 08:38:32 UTC  

You have lied before, only a fool would take any word you speak as truth

2019-06-15 08:39:34 UTC  

White is not even a biological term, it is a term of race hate propaganda. And jews are classed as white.

2019-06-17 22:08:51 UTC

2019-06-19 08:59:05 UTC  

Hey jew bros, awnser me this or give me some advice. I have this crazy criminal jewfag that i had some bussiness with. I cut most ties, yet the jew angry craze still makes him come out and fuck with me. Its a piti really. should i just gas him?, i could actaully end him (which makes it so retarded that he does this) or ignore the fucked up jewery. Why do jews have to be vindictive by instinct when they "feel" wronged when the opposite is true

2019-06-19 16:49:09 UTC  

This channel has became the place all the anti-semetic things are posted

2019-06-19 17:51:39 UTC  

Ow can you be anti language ?

2019-06-19 17:51:52 UTC  

Stop using buzzwords that are nothing but social engineering

2019-06-19 17:52:04 UTC  

this is offender's little retard hut

2019-06-19 17:52:13 UTC  

Not an argument