Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 567679052140511254

2019-04-15 10:43:37 UTC  

is pretty fucking stupid m8

2019-04-15 10:43:48 UTC  

You keep leaving out half the sentence

2019-04-15 10:44:03 UTC  

It's almost like that half is what makes the sentence correct

2019-04-15 10:44:06 UTC  

no no, you left out the word brain

2019-04-15 10:44:25 UTC  

cuasing the sentece to fall appart and the insult to be silly

2019-04-15 10:44:35 UTC  

i dont think you can posses a brainwashing

2019-04-15 10:44:43 UTC  

or have one

2019-04-15 10:45:01 UTC  

And you are being a disingenuous epic meme nazi that thinks he's clever and can fool people

2019-04-15 10:45:03 UTC  

what sentece did i leave out

2019-04-15 10:45:05 UTC  

pls cite

2019-04-15 10:45:30 UTC  

i dont have to fool you m8, you are already a fool

2019-04-15 10:46:11 UTC  

You want me to read between the lines right.

2019-04-15 10:46:47 UTC  

So in that last line i read "ingenuous epic meme nazi he`s clever and can fool ppl

2019-04-15 10:47:13 UTC  

And he has a big brainwashing

2019-04-15 15:51:38 UTC  

Germany and Europe does have a big immigrants "refugee" problem but compared to the USA its not that bad
Half your country is either Mexican or African American and the white european-americans are racemixing with them
i was there on vacation because i have relatives living there and every big city i went to, is literally worse then even the worst german city (Berlin)

2019-04-15 15:52:36 UTC  

There are homeless people everywhere and its dirty and the whites are living in a few suburbs

2019-04-15 15:53:49 UTC  

im just glad i dont have to live there

2019-04-15 15:55:03 UTC  

also they dont have any traditions or culture and the food is disgusting

2019-04-16 10:59:42 UTC  

intresting you say this, i just mentioned something about this in <#314928198809026561>

2019-04-16 11:53:52 UTC  

so both europe and america are pl of edom, and both are flooded by jewish pushed immigration resulting in the ishmeal ppl to move in.

2019-04-16 11:54:14 UTC  

hispanics and arabs are in the same linage

2019-04-16 11:54:33 UTC  

both are of the tribe of ishmeal

2019-04-19 18:56:47 UTC  


2019-04-19 22:01:51 UTC

2019-04-19 22:02:22 UTC  

I own this btw

2019-04-19 22:02:55 UTC  

real nice, how'd you get ahold of that?

2019-04-19 22:04:17 UTC  

i printed it

2019-04-19 22:04:21 UTC  

and bought a frame

2019-04-19 22:08:14 UTC  

still looks cool

2019-05-01 05:54:26 UTC  

Die Heimat ist weit,
Doch wir sind bereit.
Wir kämpfen und siegen

2019-05-04 13:11:45 UTC  

3:110-112 Muslims are the best of people, Jews have earned Allah’s anger

“You are the best nation ever brought forth to men, bidding to honour, and forbidding dishonour, and believing in Allah. Had the People of the Book believed, it were better for them; some of them are believers, but the most of them are ungodly. They will not harm you, except a little hurt; and if they fight with you, they will turn on you their backs; then they will not be helped. Abasement shall be pitched on them, wherever they are come upon, except they be in a bond of Allah, and a bond of the people; they will be laden with the burden of Allah’s anger, and poverty shall be pitched on them; that, because they disbelieved in Allah’s signs, and slew the Prophets without right; that, for that they acted rebelliously and were transgressors.”

2019-05-04 13:11:52 UTC  

you cant convert only submit

2019-05-04 13:12:19 UTC  

you have your faith i have mine, i will never join your and you will never join mine

2019-05-04 13:19:59 UTC  

Note the jewery from the intervieuwer

2019-05-12 18:03:28 UTC  

Schwätz mal Deutsch, Genossen!

2019-05-12 21:55:02 UTC  


2019-05-13 04:35:56 UTC