Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 594593562058817568

2019-06-28 22:12:05 UTC  

Look who's repeating themselves again with the 'i'm not disagreeing with WP but i am' line.

2019-06-28 22:12:14 UTC  

who brings up teh wiki about the anarchy thing 😄

2019-06-28 22:12:23 UTC  

you lying pos

2019-06-28 22:13:06 UTC  

You've proved *my* point, actually. You're claiming not to disagree but you are when you say 'governments are a subset of states'.

2019-06-28 22:13:36 UTC  

And notice how you've changed the subject *again*.

2019-06-28 22:13:52 UTC  

**Americans. Never trust them!**

2019-06-28 22:14:49 UTC  

As for the anarchy thing, you were the first to bring it up in this whole mess. I brought it up again of how you were being inconsistent when you said that I'm not entitled to act like the authority on this mess.

2019-06-28 22:15:07 UTC  

***This is coming from the person who first pulled up a Wikipedia page.***

2019-06-28 22:15:33 UTC  

***...the same person who couldn't agree with the pages his opponent brought up.***

2019-06-28 22:16:17 UTC  

I'll be back again, don't worry.

2019-06-28 22:16:44 UTC  

You won't be able to force me into a state of amnesia with these non-sequitur squabbles.

2019-06-28 22:29:37 UTC  

Psst. By the way, I never argued that Communists are completely free at a present moment, only that they can actually be freed to a maximal extent.

2019-06-29 00:57:52 UTC  

Left wing people living in Australia should join this active server with heaps of irl anti-capitalist activists. Come on in, edgelords get purged.

2019-06-29 11:09:07 UTC  

You really fit the discription of a jew from mein campf, you seem to have forgotten everything said and claim victory

2019-06-29 11:09:54 UTC  

What is your point, I am right

2019-06-29 11:10:12 UTC  

And it is you who aaccuse me of changing the subject when you are the one doing it

2019-06-29 11:10:58 UTC

2019-06-29 11:11:59 UTC  

I said that you described anarachy because you said "you are free to do what ever you want "that is communism"". And i said that that was anarchy. So sure i brought the word up first, because you mixed up communism with anarchy and i called you out on that .

2019-06-29 11:14:50 UTC  

I never disagreed with wikipedia pages being brought up, this is implicating slander

2019-06-29 18:22:01 UTC  

>wikipedia didn't work, lemme use this! 'murica!

2019-06-29 18:22:32 UTC  

>>In the field of politics, the difference between state and government can be a little confusing. In a very general sense, the word state refers to the present state of someone or something in a given time. It also refers to a governed entity such as a province and even a country as a whole. A government, on the other hand, is a kind of agency through which authority is exercised by political units. The word government is only used as a noun while the word state is used as a noun as well as a verb.

2019-06-29 18:23:52 UTC

2019-06-29 18:24:02 UTC  

I said that you described anarachy because you said "you are free to do what ever you want "that is communism"". And i said that that was anarchy. So sure i brought the word up first, because you mixed up communism with anarchy and i called you out on that .```

2019-06-29 18:24:43 UTC  

I didn't, though. I said that the only limit to freedom in Communism is a lack of means to get whatever one is pursuing which is owed to nothing more than material conditions, i.e. resources. In modes of production where there are classes, there is a second limitation which is owed to different political interests.

2019-06-29 18:27:22 UTC  

In capitalism, we have the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. We also have intra-class and cross-class divisions. There are race wars, gender wars, fandom wars and so on.

2019-06-29 18:28:21 UTC  

There is no common goal at all which allows these people to act in accordance with their ideology and keep their ways of life with the current resources that we have.

2019-06-29 18:29:34 UTC  

The revolutionising of the means of production, which allows us to make more shit which works in a more effective manner, is not the only problem which is faced.

2019-06-29 18:30:05 UTC  

Groups lobby to secure a hegemony over the means of production as an identity-based group of people. Capitalism is the politics of generalised exclusive interests and the economics of generalised commodity production.

2019-06-29 18:31:51 UTC  

Everyone can have an identity, but some also have the advantage of hegemony. They tend to be those for whom the present order, going in its present direction, is most beneficial.

2019-06-29 18:32:17 UTC  

They see no need to make provisions for anyone who doesn't benefit them and strengthen their hegemony in some way.

2019-06-29 18:32:58 UTC  

**In short, bourgeois politics is identity politics.**

2019-06-29 18:33:17 UTC  

How does Communism relate to this? We destroy hegemonies to an ever-faster extent.

2019-06-29 18:33:58 UTC  

We are the enemies of normalcy and of the destructive wars of attrition which are necessary for groups to battle for hegemonies.

2019-06-29 18:35:10 UTC  

We don't say 'fight as identities; you could never possibly have overlapping interests'. We say that there is a commonality between us with which we can remove the potential for the wars of attrition.

2019-06-29 18:36:04 UTC  

This commons relates to our needs to be able to unlock more possible goals which would become easier to fulfil and our use of language and reasoning to be able to coordinate ourselves.

2019-06-29 18:36:37 UTC  

Will there always be conflicts? *Yes*, but they do not have to be nearly as violent as the wars of identity politics, i.e. of capitalism.

2019-06-29 18:37:13 UTC  

***Communism requires effective conflict resolution where all parties involved work together to come out stronger.***

2019-06-29 18:37:49 UTC  

Now, this is not the class-collaboration of many kinds of third-positionism, where it is demanded that people stick to certain specialised roles.

2019-06-29 18:38:11 UTC  

In Communism, one must become absolutely cosmopolitan and rootless, as much as they can, in order to do more of what they want.

2019-06-29 18:40:22 UTC  

Absolute freedom in the most abstract sense *does not exist*, and I have never said that it does (you have assumed this, and you take my words out of context to get that conclusion out of what I've said).

2019-06-29 18:41:11 UTC  

Freedom at its greatest is the freedom to do otherwise than what is (thought of as being) possible, including the freedom to do otherwise than the freedom to do otherwise and so on - it is a negative, explosive concept.