Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 601844085879472139

2019-07-19 07:28:51 UTC  

I do agree that east germany was more german and that's one thing i like about east germany

2019-07-19 07:38:20 UTC  

"You are true about that part in east germany but that doesn't change the fact east germany turned to shit while west germany prospered."

West Germany was a colony of the United States, to use the words of Richard Spencer. A point I strangely agree with him on. I would hardly call it prospering as its well what modern Germany is. Le 56% Germany.

Got to the point west germans made songs in favour of the ddr

>Also aren't countries in the eastern blocc unable to leave it? I believe many countries in eastern blocc tried to leave but the soviets suppressed them

Same thing with both NATO and even the Axis. Horthy once things started to go bad tried to bail, the nazis got angry and wasted manpower invading Hungary and then setting up another regime under arrow cross. Or with Italy where Germans attempted to salvage that situation in the North.

Or the Amerimutts with NATO which is their neo empire of sorts and the suppression of groups they did not like like communist ones both within USA and in NATO.

I was already familiar with those SS divisions and their attempts but they were small. They were also those that committed to resistance activities. To use how it could be used against you, it would be like people saying look at X resistance group in Germany and that is proof that the Germans are bad since people fighting them.

2019-07-19 07:41:56 UTC  

My family were borned in east germany and you are correct about west germany being a united states colony. West germany became ungerman and decadant.

The soviets however are much more violent on their suppression of countries leaving easternblocc

Natos are terrorist group so fuck them and the mutts.

Those were not the only baltics that joined the nazis and fought the soviets. I just showed you an example

2019-07-19 07:44:06 UTC  
2019-07-19 07:45:49 UTC english translation

2019-07-19 07:47:00 UTC  

"Natos are terrorist group so fuck them and the mutts. "

I agree.

"Those were not the only baltics that joined the nazis and fought the soviets. I just showed you an example"

I am sure but these still remain pretty small, and the add ons do not add much in that way. It could potentially even be reversed in some situations.

"The soviets however are much more violent on their suppression of countries leaving easternblocc"

I fail to see a difference for several reasons personally. The Axis powers and factions in general were about keeping their control. When one leaves people usually try to keep them in. For U.S examples Vietnam, which was a clusterfuck of the U.S constantly killing South Vietnamese leaders to keep their power. I can attest that 100% if a NATO nation went communist NATO would swoop in to crush them.

Problems with the nations leaving Warsaw was the aformentioned things. It would give NATO an opening, and some of them like the Hungarian one tried to be "nice guy socialists" I can see why they did it since NATO would try to swoop down on them like vultures.

2019-07-19 13:01:20 UTC  

@ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ What do you think is wrong withnational socialism when you remove the propaganda with which you are programmed?

2019-07-19 13:03:47 UTC  

@(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ doom clit ♥ ">Many europeans literally hated the soviets and communism" have you heard of the anti communard pact, the axis aliance was started in a rection to this

2019-07-19 13:11:44 UTC  

Do you ppl know that everythime amarica "he;ps out" they make ppl who they help out pay. This is why aid got blocked in vanuzuale

2019-07-19 13:11:57 UTC  

Forces create choas for regime change

2019-07-19 13:12:24 UTC  

then america steps in as the boot. They litteraly force "restoration development" on these nations

2019-07-19 13:12:36 UTC  

for which they have to pay for close to a century

2019-07-19 18:28:20 UTC  

Looks like I've got a mess to clean up.

2019-07-19 18:30:15 UTC  

@Deleted User Hey maggot.

2019-07-19 18:30:45 UTC  

I like how you tried to dodge responding to me in this channel again, trying to mix everything up in your usual fashion. You like creating messes, don't you?

2019-07-19 18:31:44 UTC

2019-07-19 18:32:18 UTC  

***More than that: you dodged all of my other points without refuting them at all. You never did in the first place, you actually pretended that you did so.***

2019-07-19 18:32:31 UTC  

>muh deaths

2019-07-19 18:33:14 UTC  

You missed something. AGAIN.

2019-07-19 18:33:14 UTC

2019-07-19 18:33:31 UTC  

>you looped

2019-07-19 18:33:56 UTC  

***I wonder why? Maybe it's because everything that I said before was never debunked?***

2019-07-19 18:34:22 UTC  

You haven't reduced me to anything lesser than what I was. I have grown, in fact.

2019-07-19 18:37:55 UTC  

***Also - AGAIN - none of your studies can account for the dimension of why people do things with regards to reasoning itself, political rhetoric, subjectivity and so on - all of which matter in the real world. __Your politics itself is what deserves the greatest '>implying' here.__***

2019-07-19 18:40:18 UTC  

__***Are you too offended to understand this dimension and properly own up to participating in it and relying upon it - the same dimension which isn't causally owed to biological, chemical or even physical processes?***__

2019-07-19 18:43:19 UTC  

You can spray ALL of the /pol/ archives at me and you will not find a single thing which crushes this argument.

2019-07-19 18:46:57 UTC  

Go to Hollywood and bring back some popcorn for me snack on while you squirm.

2019-07-19 18:48:55 UTC  

**Or maybe fuck off to the bunker that DGJ found you shittalking in.**

2019-07-19 18:50:31 UTC  


2019-07-19 18:50:32 UTC  

>comments like that are teh reason why you are muted 😄

2019-07-19 18:50:57 UTC  

And yet you still respond to him, oh great Offender. Two-faced as usual.

2019-07-19 18:52:30 UTC  

You love stale old memes, don't you? Do you choose the front seat or the back seat?

2019-07-19 19:02:37 UTC  


2019-07-19 19:03:55 UTC  

Since you switch between nuances which you never mention and definitions which fly in the face of popularly-used definitions in the very academic works which you cite... It means that you're displaying no consistent understanding of the terms which you're throwing about. Hence it means that you don't know what others actually imply when they mean certain things.

2019-07-19 19:05:55 UTC  

***So when you screech '>implying', even though your complaint is that the assumptions and definitions which others make are not warranted, since that's utter bullshit, you're actually mad that you don't understand the nuances and contexts of what other people are saying.***

2019-07-19 19:06:19 UTC  

__***You go out of your way to shift goalposts every time someone has you cornered.***__

2019-07-19 19:07:06 UTC  

I know you're nervous and out of your depth.

2019-07-19 19:07:19 UTC  

Oh, look.

2019-07-19 19:07:28 UTC  

***Here to dodge all my points again?***

2019-07-19 19:07:29 UTC  

Fufe you got debunked on the kratom so hard and you are still on about it 😄

2019-07-19 19:07:40 UTC  

Wrong. How much did you take?