Message from @ᚾᚨᚦᚨᚾ

Discord ID: 324326923943542784

2017-06-13 23:13:38 UTC  

Hold on there's one more

2017-06-13 23:13:55 UTC

2017-06-13 23:14:26 UTC  

At least to me there seems to be a very strong correlation between the strength of unions and inequality

2017-06-13 23:14:46 UTC  

The value of the dollar has drastically dropped as wages increased.

2017-06-13 23:14:47 UTC  

A CEOs pay really doesn't matter. It's the CEO, he's going to accumulate wealth from his business, which is the whole purpose of starting a business in the first place. I wouldn't be comfortable with a government telling me that I need to trust someone who is hired with automatic privelege and shares to the company.

2017-06-13 23:15:06 UTC  

The CEO creates capital, which stimulates economic growth, and creates more jobs.

2017-06-13 23:15:12 UTC  

So why does the CEO's paycheck matter so much?

2017-06-13 23:15:21 UTC  

The workers create capital, the CEO takes credit for it

2017-06-13 23:15:36 UTC  

The pay increases are virtually non effective in relation to pay equality because the capitalist economy made it ineffective

2017-06-13 23:15:37 UTC  

Because those ceos make 300-500x as much as their workers on average

2017-06-13 23:15:49 UTC  

Hold on I've got another chart

2017-06-13 23:16:18 UTC

2017-06-13 23:16:31 UTC  

The value exists, its just not going to the workers

2017-06-13 23:16:36 UTC

2017-06-13 23:16:56 UTC  

The workers are creating much more value but since the 70s haven't received much compensation for it

2017-06-13 23:17:48 UTC  

The thing is the people at the top are rising and the actual wage gap between the richest and poorest isn't closing which is made worse since the value of modern currency is also dropping

2017-06-13 23:17:56 UTC  

(2nd graph shows that they're creating more value, 1st graph shows that they aren't getting shite for it)

2017-06-13 23:18:18 UTC  

So what do you suggest doing? The gold standard?

2017-06-13 23:19:08 UTC  

...because I've got another graph for that 😂

2017-06-13 23:19:13 UTC  

I don't know, that's also ineffective because it relies on measures stabilizing the value of a not so precious metal that is hoarded away by a group of moguls

2017-06-13 23:19:24 UTC  

Yas boi you get it

2017-06-13 23:20:01 UTC  

However, other likewise valuable objects are ineffective too

2017-06-13 23:20:01 UTC  

Well that and the fact that gold isn't extracted nearly fast enough to keep up with economic growth so the gold standard would be in a constant state on deflation

2017-06-13 23:20:16 UTC  

Of deflation*

2017-06-13 23:21:30 UTC  

The only way for a metal standard to work is for it to be in increasing demand and value and likewise be among the rarest metals which really means Francium or platinum

2017-06-13 23:22:22 UTC  

Even then that might result in pretty bad inflation/deflation

2017-06-13 23:22:28 UTC  

Not to mention how unstable markets are

2017-06-13 23:22:31 UTC

2017-06-13 23:22:40 UTC

2017-06-13 23:22:43 UTC  

Me graphs

2017-06-13 23:23:31 UTC  

It's more stable than the current standards

2017-06-13 23:23:44 UTC  

Also, why do we still keep our gold reserves

2017-06-13 23:23:56 UTC  

So while, in this case, the price of milk in USD has been inflating at a fairly slow but steady rate, the price of milk in Troy ounces of gold is rapidly deflating and was rapidly inflating prior to 2002

2017-06-13 23:24:32 UTC  

You can artificially create deflation and inflation with a fiat currency, but with something like a gold standard it all depends on the markets

2017-06-13 23:24:57 UTC  

Or the people who extract the gold

2017-06-13 23:25:21 UTC  

Hey guys

2017-06-13 23:25:29 UTC  

Well, you have to remember that gold is a luxury good that is only sometimes in demand because it doesn't have too many uses. Became more stable as they started using it in computer chips

2017-06-13 23:25:50 UTC  

But then dropped when the new gold finds down in Africa

2017-06-13 23:25:58 UTC  

We're talking about gold thought we were talking about politics. lool.

2017-06-13 23:26:11 UTC  

Money is politics

2017-06-13 23:26:19 UTC  

Economic politics 😎