Message from @Sandor_Clegane
Discord ID: 345587332428070912
Hello again
Perhaps it's bad awareness
Because we're actually very mature sometimes and we've got a flag and everything
But yes it's fun
It's this :D
Ni🅱 🅱 a
Me and @DOAN are Partenopean Socialists and we would like Neapolitan language channel
Every country has its own channel so we'de like one too
si n'omm e merd
Uaió, ma ca famm cu st'amracá, ci lasciu na cutiddata mó
Ammraca ommi e sfacimm
There needs to be a Jewish channel or I will call the anti defamation league
Ki e cistu ricchiun
Ci pigg'a foc'a casa, brucio tutto mó
Si n'omm e sfacimm
uma delicia
ti cultella la mammet
fina mignot
Aaa sto ricchiun è razzist
uaio ci cutedd'a mammt
ue ue
sti razzist, t'ammazz u nonnt
guaglione io te abre u kulou
Gtfo this is english
You said caps please
*tries to say 'so I was using caaaaps' in caps but fails because of the dumb bot*
Caps are awesome!
Oh fuk you dumb bot
Commies got what they deserved
What if you were in the car crash?
Well you'd prolly be dead but eh