Message from @ratboygeinus Ω
Discord ID: 372053201052106753
Lmao, that One Struggle poster
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***JustLucide#9481 was banned!***
some niggers are literally LARPing on discord here
Anyone wanna play a game where you can create your own Nation?
If so, I have the discord for you!!
Go play Civilization lol
Not really, you need to know coding to make your own civ in that game
Well, i prefer to use social code instead "machine code" to create reality instead of a fantasy.
I mean, theres funny ways of leave us blind.
I think the most of the left wing didnt developed the ideology enough.
i have to convince my teacher to come to my communist island how do i convince her?
i fucking hate niggers and commies
Islands aren't good communes unless already industrialized
Have fun dying
Commies, more like
Need to dissolve like the soviets
>the holodomor didn't happe- 😱
>Communist island
So Cuba?
weak tbh
Daily reminder that the designation of "kulak" was entirely arbitrary and expanded to include just about every single category of peasent in order to fullfilll quotas dreamt up by Moscow
porn is bourgeois decadence
it will be abolished under socialism
>how to split your movement 101
You can have 99% done towards full communism
you will mention no porn in socialism
you will have capitalism back
Winning the support of porn addicts who do nothing but masturbate all day and play videogames is not necessary for the triumph of socialism
Okay, have fun doing it with your 80 year old virgin vanguard leader
t. buttmat porn addict