Message from @Firefly
Discord ID: 377495568424894477
That bowl cutof again
Adam lanza and danmy phantom.shooter
Is there a phrenological explanation
democraps are mentally ill
@Deleted User why is it so?
don't ask me
I blame the jews
@Deleted User How much do you know about fascism?
@Deleted User I know everything about fascism.
@Deleted User Hmm, okay.
Yet fascists got democratically elected
Makes you thonk
A chinaman walks into a bar, sits down, and before he can get a drink a Jew gets up and punches him in the face.
"Wtf was that for", asked the chinaman.
"That's for Pearl Harbor", said the Jew.
"That was the Japanese, I'm Chinese", says the Chinese.
"Chinese, Japanese, Koreanese, it's all the same to me", replies the Jew. He then sits back down.
The Chinese orders a drink, and thinks. He then walks over to the Jew and punches him in the face.
"Wtf did you do that for?", asks Jew.
"That's for sinking the Titanic", the Chinese tells him.
"That was an iceberg", said Jew.
Chinese replies:
"Iceberg, Goldberg, Bloomberg, its all the same to me"
That's a criticism of racism, so its all fine
Is it happening
Comrade is it code red
Shall we start
And yeah they have African-tier flag so obviously they fit LOL.
Portugal controlled Angola
Here, have full image.
Still feel Namibia would fit more, lol.
Rhodesia is the main attraction though.
if SA could have kept the aparthied
it had millions of whites, instead of Rhodesia, which only had 300,000