Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 417174489806274581

2018-02-25 04:06:04 UTC  

i have more love for stirner than lenin

2018-02-25 04:06:31 UTC  

stirner's ideology killed fewer people

2018-02-25 04:08:22 UTC  

lenin got his ideas of the "necessity of the state" from marx.
ergo i love stirner more than i love marx

2018-02-25 04:08:36 UTC  

but bakunin is my guy

2018-02-25 04:09:05 UTC  

you have nothing on bakunin.
he was right about EVERYTHING

2018-02-25 04:11:38 UTC  

[Contemporary's critique on Marx intensifies]

2018-02-25 04:14:55 UTC  

he predicted the absolute despotism and farce of the "red bureaucracy" LONG before the advent of the soviet union

2018-02-25 04:19:01 UTC  

yes you would be killed in the USSR

2018-02-25 04:19:13 UTC  

he predicted it would be ANYTHING but autonomy for the people, and empowering only to the central state

2018-02-25 04:19:42 UTC  

grog the caveman said one day mankind would move really fast, later the car was invented

2018-02-25 04:19:49 UTC  

thats pretty broad

2018-02-25 04:21:24 UTC  

@alines Lenin was shitty all round.

2018-02-25 04:21:37 UTC  

oh fuck off to the international again

2018-02-25 04:21:38 UTC  

bakunin made this prediction while criticizing marx, lenin followed marx, and LO, red bureacracy turn out to be evil

2018-02-25 04:21:47 UTC  


2018-02-25 04:21:49 UTC  

okay liberal

2018-02-25 04:22:10 UTC  

liberals are puppets of the bourgeoisie and the state

2018-02-25 04:22:20 UTC  

@alines You should not use such a black and white perception of "good and evil".

2018-02-25 04:22:29 UTC  

It's a pure generalization.

2018-02-25 04:22:37 UTC  

Lenin was a great man

2018-02-25 04:22:42 UTC  

literally my favorite man ever

2018-02-25 04:23:32 UTC  

marx and all his followers deserve to have the world population piss on all their graves for eternity

2018-02-25 04:24:00 UTC  

how do you just completely disregard marx and call yourself even slightly left leaning

2018-02-25 04:24:07 UTC  


2018-02-25 04:24:10 UTC  

@Lucas 4313 >Returns the soviet union to capitalism and nearly causes it's collapse due to shitty management, and starvation becomes much more worse than it was during the climax of WW1, as well as most of his policies failing and being retracted

2018-02-25 04:24:32 UTC  

Wew, when you look at it objectively, stalin was 100X better than lenin.

2018-02-25 04:24:55 UTC  

">" who returned the soviet union to capitalism

2018-02-25 04:24:58 UTC  


2018-02-25 04:25:27 UTC  

@Lucas 4313 Nope, lenin did before stalin reversed his policies, he allowed for private ownership to return.

2018-02-25 04:26:09 UTC  

you make it out as if marx just invented socialism.
no, his ideas only received the most attention from socialists.
that means nothing as to whether or not he epitiomized the left.

2018-02-25 04:26:49 UTC  

Had stalin not reworked the USSR from it's core, then it is quite likely that it would have collapsed, similarly to how it did in the 90's, but with much more bloodshed.

2018-02-25 04:27:32 UTC  

Marx is the father of the collectivist ideology, also known as 70% of the left. If you do not consider marx to know anything then you are a useless anarchist in my eyes

2018-02-25 04:27:40 UTC  

also Stalin was good I agree on that

2018-02-25 04:27:48 UTC  

Lenin's ideas were better though

2018-02-25 04:27:49 UTC  


2018-02-25 04:28:06 UTC  

@Lucas 4313 They were complete and utter failures.

2018-02-25 04:28:25 UTC  

lenin said that ideally the state would eventually dissolve

2018-02-25 04:28:31 UTC  

They may have looked pretty on paper, but in the real world, they failed.

2018-02-25 04:28:40 UTC  

@alines And did it?