Message from @Garbage

Discord ID: 608236753660280833

2019-08-06 09:41:13 UTC  

Then you're using a different definition of 'class' to the one I'm using.

2019-08-06 09:42:12 UTC  

Mine focusses on a sustained configuration of society rather than this highly ahistorical notion of 'specialisation', which is trivial.

2019-08-06 09:42:55 UTC  

@Garbage mate if your Aussie or not you have to admit one thing about race. The Abos really are at the bottom of the pile. Now that I’ve made my point I’m of to 4chan

2019-08-06 09:43:11 UTC  

Then go back there.

2019-08-06 09:43:22 UTC  

Anyway, back to another self-retarding fool:

2019-08-06 09:44:10 UTC  

**My point is that you don't get to talk about a general triviality and then propose a politics which is not trivial whatsoever. We do not have to live with an enforced form of racial segregation at a national or even a city-state level.**

2019-08-06 09:44:41 UTC  

```Are you saying that there isnt always a input, need, disaster, moment, event that is corrupting the freedom of a person.? lol```

2019-08-06 09:45:27 UTC  

I'm saying that by your definition of what 'corruption' is, there *is* infinite corruption everywhere. By my definition, there is not, but I know that you will insist on saying that I'm endorsing yours.

2019-08-06 09:47:17 UTC  

Your definitions crumbles into a tautology. You're being a sciolist again.

2019-08-06 09:48:03 UTC  

Because of this, you have absolutely no way of jumping from this aethereal abstraction to a concrete politics, because what you're saying is true of your own politics too.

2019-08-06 09:49:14 UTC  

Ethnic segregation can be against peoples' 'higher' and more 'rational' wills. I can construct an infinite amount of game-theoretic thought experiments and also produce realistic case studies to show this.

2019-08-06 09:50:41 UTC  

Ethnic segregationists themselves frequently engage in 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' tactics: take white nationalists allying with Islamists against Jews as just *one* example.

2019-08-06 09:51:35 UTC  

They share some kind of commons of tradition alongside the commons of reasoning, do they not?

2019-08-06 09:51:58 UTC  

```The whole nature of social engineering is to steer the innner desire, the will in to a corrupted ideal```

2019-08-06 09:52:22 UTC  

Again, what are the concrete natures of this 'corruption'? You can talk about this general and amorphous notion all you like, but until you don't, you're throwing an uncontroversial truism which was never my focus to begin with.

2019-08-06 09:52:38 UTC  

```Your infinte study "argument" is bogus. You cant say, because the posibility of potential non existing studies in the futer the truth that has been in place for centuries or even millenia is false
The nature of man has changed very little
which is why social engineering works so well
and has been working for centuries or longer
looking at religion you can easily say millenia
It works because ppl have preset metofs of opperation that are steerable if you know them well enough
The whole consumer industry functions on this```

2019-08-06 09:53:04 UTC  

For fuck's sake. I already said that I wasn't making an argument based on Hume's induction principle.

2019-08-06 09:54:01 UTC  

This is to do with the act of one reflecting upon what one is producing a change within oneself which means that they are not identical to what they were before. This is causally attributed not to biological processes but to thought itself - *their own subjectivity*. Biological processes themselves can't keep up.

2019-08-06 09:54:47 UTC  

**You talk about how human society hasn't changed for millennia. Yet human societies have been around for hundreds of millennia and religions as we know them today have not existed for that length of time.**

2019-08-06 09:55:02 UTC  

Christianity is 2,000 years old, for example.

2019-08-06 09:55:42 UTC  

Capitalism - the dominance of generalised commodity production - has only existed for less than *500* years.

2019-08-06 09:56:25 UTC  

You're telling me that humans haven't changed when there has been so much concrete change around us which also happens to be accelerating with reference to multiple metrics?

2019-08-06 09:57:10 UTC  

Can you attribute capitalism, Christian theology (you've had a chance to look up Aquinas's thought, but I bet you haven't taken it) and so on to biological factors and nothing more? If not, you admit that biology cannot account for everything we do as humans and that there is something else that has a controlling factor.

2019-08-06 09:59:28 UTC  

***You can try to isolate a particular trait which has remained constant over human history, but it's on you to explain why it cannot be changed and why it's not just a mere truism.*** If we don't have to live with our present biologies, then why even bother bringing up past and present trends as if they're just truisms and then build a future political vision out of servicing and reinforcing those truisms?

2019-08-06 10:01:29 UTC  

Your only way out is to say 'you're trampling on people and their gods', because the excuses of immutable biology and so on simply do not work even in the face of modern technologies and the sheer investments that are getting thrown in their direction.

2019-08-06 10:03:12 UTC  

***In other words: that's just, like, your opinion man.***

2019-08-06 10:05:06 UTC  

***__And you have to be a 'fascist' by your definitions to uphold and enforce your opinions. Welcome to the real world, where there is no god or force of 'Nature' to guarantee anything, not even the supremacy of your politics.__***

2019-08-06 10:07:28 UTC  

You always avoid talking about *this* for some reason, and it's the crucial part of the leap from biological truisms to political action that I've spent the most time focussing on.

2019-08-06 10:15:08 UTC

2019-08-06 11:30:23 UTC  

@Garbage lol wikipedia, the media that any one can edit

2019-08-06 11:30:27 UTC  

Your definition is wrong

2019-08-06 11:30:28 UTC

2019-08-06 11:30:36 UTC  

This would be racial supremacy 😄

2019-08-06 11:31:13 UTC  

Did you know that racial supremacy is a conjoined term?, it means something else then racism

2019-08-06 11:31:55 UTC  

First thing i read, and easyly refuted, your arguments are so weak

2019-08-06 12:11:46 UTC  

>your definition is wrong

2019-08-06 12:11:59 UTC  

>anyone can edit wikipedia

2019-08-06 12:12:10 UTC  

>but when I use it, it's fine

2019-08-06 12:12:49 UTC  

Besides that, you're now just bolting on your own definition. And it dodges the fact that you support racial segregation at a highly organised and city-state level.

2019-08-06 12:13:38 UTC  

You only ping me when you think you've cornered me. In reality, you're at your weakest when you ping me for some reason!

2019-08-06 13:32:25 UTC  

You are not refutting your wrongness, you are dodging , and you start to slander the person. You are doing this because you have been corerd. When you are cornered you start to project. @Garbage