Message from @fumez
Discord ID: 592204471061184513
for all anyone knew that nigga had a bomb vest and a weapon arsenal under there
or ahem drugs
looking through this shit made me want to shoot myself
I appreciate this
so very much
You talkin about what I said?
obviously not
Who the fuck wheres a fursuit on a plane
let me find the picture
Do you think he had to put that back on after the TSA anally probed him?
Damn of wear a fursuit if it meant I'd be probed
just look at the concerned couple in the back
I guarantee the face under that mask shows no expression whatsoever
I realized just now how fucking creepy that suit is
I understand a fursuit is used for personal preference and fetish and all but
doing that while people are personally enjoying themselves is just
the people in the back can be doing something special and 4 years later: "remember the fuckin weirdo in a fursuit while we were on our way to our honeymoon?"
It'll be good for a laugh
Maybe a story to tell the kids
that makes them more important tbh
ok but it's very likely that
anyone in a fursuit is a really cringey person overall
ydont say
and I'm not being a common society person
I mean
Furries are interesting
I walked past a guy in a fursuit
if someone in a fursuit approaches you
*Smelled like piss*
they will undoubtedly push your comfort
I've seen the porn, its not great
by making cringey emotes and acting like they expect me to be happy about it