☭ Anon ☭
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Why exactly are you all fascists now?
*national communist society*
Communism is an inevitability because of scientific advancement. Our productivity will gradually reach a point where communism is the only reasonable system
Though it’s a much better idea to discuss socialism because that is achievable now
and it has been observed
Do you mean through an extinction event or through the collapse of capitalism when you say “the proletariat is subject to extinction”
That’s great. We’ll have achieved automation
^ yuh
Emotional attachment to people that look like them
Then we can expand outwards
space colonization is plausible
long term
Well given the fact that we consume living material, it seems like a high increase in our population could be supplemented through advanced agricultural methods. There is no cap to the amount of food we can make, at least as far as I know
The dust bowl was the result of poor methods. We don’t just have dust bowls annually
I mean that’s an issue we will have to deal with eventually, assuming there aren’t some unpredictable advancements to be made in agriculture
I doubt it. Fascism and socialism rest on radically different foundations
They don’t seem confused, at least not Americus. Assuming our opposition is *completely* brain dead would be a mistake
I guess I’m trying to say that most of them won’t be convinced because they have genuine convictions about how they believe society functions, and not just some bland racial hatred that many of our side seem to reduce them to
What reasons do you have for believing zionists control society
Why do you reject materialism
Yeah don’t most of you hate nazis
we don’t call ourselves stalinists, but I see what you mean
Well I’ll tell you why I think socialism is superior to capitalism
Fascism formed from traditional bourgeois values, no? You see it necessary to “stabilize” society in some sense, and wish to accomplish this through the purging of degenerate elements of society
Or is that wrong
we arent ancoms btw
cool cursed images
The actions of our ancestors aren’t reason to perpetuate traditional values. Please explain why you believe maintaining such traditions is necessary for the stability of society
There will be no third party revolution because you all will get stomped out like you did last time
but explain
atheism = applying actual reason to sky man
stop being retarded
Cmad wtf youre literally maoist
You can’t prove god with reason because there is nothing to suggest the existence of the immaterial, and any suggestions within a material world would invalidate the immaterial aspect of whatever is being observed as proof
There was likely a cause of the universe, though nothing suggests it was the result of divine action.
Infinity only exists as an abstraction
Infinity isn’t provable in the real world because it would take an endless measurement to verify that it is infinite
Infinity is just the result of our ability to scale things to unrealistic degrees. Im sure you could imagine your couch if it were the size of your car
The first cause is likely the material itself, as we haven’t observed any exception to this
Can someone make a communist role. I might not immediately leave
This discussion never gets anywhere.
God is unjustifiable without presuppositions about the nature of reality, end of story
Even if I saw sky beard man I’d check myself into the nearest mental health facility
Heaven sounds boring anyway. You’d just be stuck up there for eternity with god, a couple angels, and pretty much all the shoe chewing troglodytes that carried around a bible at school
inventing a new type of existence for your answer is even more unrealistic
I don’t get why people are afraid of atheism. You get liberated in the sense that your ideas don’t need to conform to christian values
and man becomes the sole decider of what he becomes
You wouldn’t know because you aren’t an atheist
Science isnt a religion
Its a method of acquiring information
Yes you can
The scientific method is unchanging, the information we acquire isn’t
We ditch models that don’t fit the data and create new ones that do
and it allows us to make predictions
Ok I’m going to bed. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Economic-Philosophic-Manuscripts-1844.pdf read this dudes
read marx niggas smh
Sup nazis
gib commie role
Ironic coming from the one who follows the ideology of a man who shot himself
certainly masculine
Marxism isn’t founded on any ideas even remotely close to judaism lol
What’s your reason for calling bolshevism jewish
are the fascists being brainlets *like always*
Also you can get information from pictures taken Cmad
I’d recommend deleting that
You can get geodata from pictures posted. This means people can get a rough idea of your location
Very smart idea Danny
posting images of yourself in a fascist dominated server
many of then sell personal information
You can actually get money from that on the deep web
“Deep web” I regret saying that
The capitalists aren’t a boogeyman because we don’t believe they coordinate in the manner that nazis seem to believe jews do. It’s merely them acting in their own economic interests, and this forms a homogeneous group that acts collectively, even when not intentionally
Americus, the bourgeois aren’t a force to fear. We simply see it as working in the interests of ourselves and those with similar relations to the means of production. For example, in a feudalist society we would support the growth of the bourgeoisie so as to push history forward
No it isn’t. We plan to facilitate the transition to a system free of the instability and economic authoritarianism of capitalism. Creating a better future isn’t a fear of oppression, it is rather an understanding that change must occur if we are to continue to flourish as a species.
Communism is not utopian. The erasure of class distinctions and the state won’t fix everything
You are the tools of the bourgeoisie. Fascism gives them more power than in liberal democracy
Fascism never had anything remotely equivalent to the red scare. In fact it was even celebrated by many Americans, and they received no persecution from the government
Nazis and fascists are allowed to march through cities and intimidate minorities without action from the state
*lol* you genuinely think nazis are just put in jail for being nazis?
honestly that would be a fucking relief for us, but it gives you all more attention.
That said, Ill probably be back later. Its 2 a.m
ok fascist
genuine mental disability
Imagine being so far right that you think capitalism is leftist
Tfw fascists want to help the workers but retain the same oppressive structures of capitalism
actual brain death
Human rights is liberal, not socialist
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