Message from @Springbok
Discord ID: 621861335520641051
Saaf roundel seen there
Oh yes, I believe I saw that as an entry in HAH's last patch poll
I prefer the Rhodesian one personally
Ja our roundels used to look cooler
Round with a springbok inside
Or like that without the springbok
I think they're all good, but something about a lion & tusk on green is really nice.
SAAF P51 Korean War
Agreed Rhodesian airforce roundel is nicer
That said, I prefer Oryx > Alouette
Interesting how the Rhodies never got any of our pumas
They got our elands, alouettes, r1's and a few buffels and fn mags but that's about it.
If they held out a bit longer they may have got some. Maybe even ratels
I thought SA pulled support after Operation Eland?
At least, that's what Wikipedia says, and they've *never* been wrong, *ever*
Support ended in 1979 iirc. Hence Op Uric being a joint SA/Rhode op
Remember that SA support of Rhodesia was clandestine. It had to be or the international community would condemn SA to hell. Which it did anyway
Hey @Springbok, do you perchance have any pictures of the interior of a *Rhodesian* de Havilland Vampire?
@Springbok lol a few FN Mags... rhodesia had more south aftican FN mags than the SADF
@Colonel Clint rhodies also only wore shorts till 76 or 77 due to the fact they had to start camo creaming any exposed skin
@Springbok I honestly dont think putting in the G6 is a good idea. Maybe as a unit that stays there and then automatically shoots when they implement arty
But as a drivable vehicle...
@Kooijpolloi there is no AI so it would have to be driveable. I'm not a fan of off map artillery to be honest
Im not a fan of crew served arty in a fps
We already have crew served arty in squad
Mortars, and rocket truck
Mortars are not that bad
You fear it'll be too op?
Not that
I just dont think a lot of guys want to play arty
But op will be a problem
What will fapla get to counter?
What did they have IRL?
And D-30