Message from @Ronny TX
Discord ID: 338541623497588737
@Thomas Ryan Why as Fascists should we tolerate a man who tries his best to suppress Fascism in favor of his own lukewarm mysterymeat "nationalist" liberalism?
If you wish, you may attend the rally and attack him yourself.
Attack as in politely discourse on white nationalist philosophy?
I don't think Spencer suppresses us. He doesn't even countersignal us.
He's a SWPL nationalist and a stepping stone to the more hardcore groups like VanAm
VC anyone?
@Some Guy Behind the scenes Spencer and co try everything they can to keep National Socialists from upstaging them
The entire point - and the weakness - of the Unite the Right event is to unite Right Wing groups. Not all groups there will be Fascists. Not all groups will even like Fascists. Identity Evropa is no fan of Fascists, for instance. But we're there to unite right-wing groups, regardless of whether we're all the same ideologies. We may not particularly like Spencer, but he's among the groups we're uniting with.
Remember, one of the core tenants of Fascism is Strength through Unity.
@SonderSchutz TX Im down
Wait identity Europa isn't Fascist?
They're Identitarians. Like the Euro groups.
@Ronny TX If we're uniting under Richard Spencer, then the event is WORSE than nothing
So basically just race no politics
We really are the best political group, no challenge
@Nathan TX Remember when Lee was in IE? He left partially because they didn't like Fascism, partially because they charge for membership
The charging is kinda gay
@The Inquisitor [☧] not under, alongside. He's the face of the Alt Right whether we like it or not. Everyone between normies and us redpills people a little more until they become more like us. People like Spencer, so they put him first on the poster. We're not there primarily for him.
@The Inquisitor [☧] I am going need more context, not just a 9 second snippet.
I agree he doesn't go far enough, but he's still a decent ally. He brings people to our side and that's great.
@SonderSchutz TX @Eric TX Are we doing voice?
I was a moderate republican once. It was people like Steven Crowder, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopolos, Black Pidgeon Speaks, etc. that got me to where I am now. They redpilled me a little bit, then I moved further and further right until I could no longer stand them. That's why I like those groups even still, because if we just had the Fascists, we'd never convert anyone.
Not everyone is going to agree with you on 100% of things 100% of the time
Moreover, a near-natsoc (Caerulus Rex) runs Spencer's PSD for events. So, I'm not sure where this anti-Natsoc nonsense comes from.
@Ronny TX Funny you mention that
I didn't make the transition right away
but the first redpills I ever took were from an IronMarch-tier fascist
And everyone makes their journey differently. I definitely received some redpills from more extreme sources at the beginning, but the little ones along the way really helped.
In any case, we have plenty of enemies, we need more allies. We're going to UTR for building alliances, not for Spencer. If he wasn't there, it would be better, but we can't let him ruin our opportunity.
@The Inquisitor [☧] have you read SEIGE?
@SonderSchutz TX naturally
It's a meme, but that doesn't mean it's not true
*cough* sperg *cough*