Message from @Joseph

Discord ID: 555781558582378506

2019-03-14 15:55:48 UTC  

using relevancy as an insult on discord by typing “who even are you” <:hahaa:501842063747448836>

2019-03-14 15:55:59 UTC  

how to tell someone lives their life through discord almost instantly

2019-03-14 15:56:01 UTC  

Hows that an insult <:OMEGALUL:494994480689315842>

2019-03-14 15:56:01 UTC  

One message

2019-03-14 15:56:12 UTC  

Send one message that doesn’t make you sound like a virgin

2019-03-14 15:56:20 UTC  

you never heard me talk, I’m typing retards

2019-03-14 15:56:27 UTC

2019-03-14 15:56:31 UTC  

Sorry for the flex

2019-03-14 15:56:36 UTC  

also text has no sound so you can’t hear me

2019-03-14 15:56:39 UTC  

Too mich swag <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>

2019-03-14 15:56:45 UTC  

virgin niggas be like
iM NoT tAlKiNg iM TyPiNg 😎

2019-03-14 15:56:45 UTC  

Gotta wear that gucci shirt 😤

2019-03-14 15:56:49 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:56:58 UTC  

fuck this shit im gonna watch Aladdin

2019-03-14 15:56:59 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:57:00 UTC  

get cleared pussies

2019-03-14 15:57:08 UTC  

easiest clears of my life

2019-03-14 15:57:13 UTC  

Have fun Anthony

2019-03-14 15:57:15 UTC

2019-03-14 15:57:22 UTC  

@Joseph thank you! wait what

2019-03-14 15:57:29 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:57:37 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:57:40 UTC  

Thats a beautiful poem <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>

2019-03-14 15:57:46 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:57:49 UTC  

when you have no comeback so you react to my message with <:hahaa:501842063747448836>

2019-03-14 15:57:55 UTC  

did he just leak my name?

2019-03-14 15:58:00 UTC  

@Joseph you're still not coming inside nigger idc if its 3am 😎

2019-03-14 15:58:05 UTC  

Dont ban me bwo

2019-03-14 15:58:11 UTC  

it's false btw, everyone knows my name's tommy

2019-03-14 15:58:13 UTC  
2019-03-14 15:58:15 UTC  

A n t h o n y

2019-03-14 15:58:18 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:58:22 UTC  

Tommy btw <:Kappa:484883730482331668>

2019-03-14 15:58:23 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:58:27 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:58:30 UTC  

On god yurip you’ll get laid one day

2019-03-14 15:58:38 UTC  

Just keep holding out until then

2019-03-14 15:58:42 UTC  


2019-03-14 15:58:48 UTC  

I just had pussy 2 days ago retard

2019-03-14 15:58:51 UTC  

Joseph posting nsfw

2019-03-14 15:58:55 UTC  

I could literally feel the virginity in your voice in vc yesterday @Yurip