Message from @Maxson

Discord ID: 336995812435558402

2017-07-18 21:35:32 UTC  

Just dont adopt any somalians.

2017-07-18 21:36:37 UTC  

Fuck no they are vulture food if I can find a way to get her to calm down about her other kid we would probably have no problems but she let's herself get to wound up

2017-07-18 21:38:12 UTC  

Did you guys know that studying the Jewish filth is part of the curriculum now in school

2017-07-18 21:39:49 UTC  

Which filth exactly?

2017-07-18 21:39:54 UTC  

He was in 4th and 5 th grade and coming home with such graphic garbage we actually had to go talk to his teacher

2017-07-18 21:41:17 UTC  

They where doing reports on the holocaust off of diaries, some books they where required to read about it a few movies on it and a bunch of poems allegedly written while prisoner

2017-07-18 21:42:59 UTC  

She actually told us she didn't agree with it either but it was required by the school board as part of the curriculum πŸ‘Ž

2017-07-18 21:57:23 UTC  

They say that nowadays the first place a kid sees nudity is in his history textbook

2017-07-18 21:57:35 UTC  

in photographs of "Holocaust" victims

2017-07-18 21:57:56 UTC  

Or old paintings. Renaissance stuff.

2017-07-18 21:58:26 UTC  

>implying kids these days are shown that sort of thing by their schools

2017-07-18 21:59:17 UTC  

@The Inquisitor [☧] your correct there was pictures of dead I don't know their validity however

2017-07-18 21:59:41 UTC  

@Kevin FL the pictures they show are usually the bodies of typhus victims

2017-07-18 21:59:54 UTC  

you can tell because they're all skin and bones

2017-07-18 22:00:04 UTC  

cyanide particles don't do that to a person

2017-07-18 22:01:59 UTC  

I agree and typhus was rampant during the war but that's the kind of Jew guilt filth they get a dose of at young age

2017-07-18 22:03:55 UTC

2017-07-18 22:07:34 UTC  

Exactly lol

2017-07-18 22:20:29 UTC  

Watch "Officer Shoots Woman Who Called 911 and Coincidentally Forgot to Turn on Body Cam" on YouTube

2017-07-18 22:21:02 UTC  

Time to put on the hoods and bring out the rope.

2017-07-18 22:21:08 UTC  

I saw that on the news today it actually happened here also a couple years back

2017-07-18 22:21:25 UTC  

@Maxson fuck hoods, balaclavas are the way to go

2017-07-18 22:21:28 UTC  

But yea hang him up

2017-07-18 22:23:26 UTC  

That's why I don't like dealing with cops you never know who your going to get

2017-07-18 22:23:27 UTC  

Hang that good for nothin nigger high!

2017-07-18 22:24:24 UTC  

I don't leave the house much anymore so if I ever need the cops again they will just need to bring their clean up crew

2017-07-18 22:24:26 UTC  

The way the Klan used to do things. Beat him senseless, hang him, burn him alive.

2017-07-18 22:24:30 UTC  

@everyone We have our own page on the ADL site. These kikes are getting scared.

2017-07-18 22:25:09 UTC  

I'm happy they used the grittiest graphic of ours they could find.

2017-07-18 22:25:17 UTC  

one of our nebraska guys was on there right up with anglin and weev

2017-07-18 22:25:27 UTC  

the other article, that is

2017-07-18 22:26:15 UTC  

When we win, we must go old Klan style on these chimps! If they step out of line, hang 'em high! Before we deport them all that is.

2017-07-18 22:26:17 UTC  

They have Dillon everywhere though

2017-07-18 22:27:19 UTC  

In July 2017, VA tweeted, β€œThose behind the subversive elements eroding our culture often have something in common. Jewish influence is prevalent, invasive, dangerous.”

Hey, that was my Tweet.

2017-07-18 22:28:24 UTC  

Houston, Texas, July 16, 2017: two synagogues had anti-Semitic VA flyers taped to signs, doors and gates on their property.

2017-07-18 22:28:26 UTC  
2017-07-18 22:28:33 UTC  

They found out, somehow.

2017-07-18 22:28:47 UTC  

<@&327464792707301388> National Socialist, pro white, protest on Saturday July 22 2017 at 1:30-2pm.

2017-07-18 22:29:36 UTC  

They really just went through our Twitter and website and dated things. Nothing really spectacular. The Pikeville stuff was a mistake in hindsight, by the looks of it.

2017-07-18 22:29:53 UTC  

Very proud to say that I was a big part of several of the actions listed πŸ˜„