Message from @Verm
Discord ID: 283490239375212545
I leveled the wizard class
not fucking druid
30 year old virgin then?
I'm not a grand wizard.
A pretty shit wizard.
Guess there's still "hope" in the most literal term.
Pretty much.
You'll get there someday :^)
Getting laid here is so fucking easy though.
You just have to be funny.
I mean americans could never do it, but jesus christ.
Americans are pretty unfunny, in my experience.
Unless they're behind a veil of anonymity, of course.
Even then.
Like 15 year olds here make better memes than most americans.
Yea, the rejection of puns and banter types of humor is pretty lame.
I prefer the British method, myself.
You a brit?
I do sound like it.
Now that there is a useful tool.
Being able to do another accent.
Let's put it this way. My British would fool anyone who isn't a brit themselves.
@Ulstèr-Scotch, Bound successfully use /destroy to unbind it.
@Ulstèr-Scotch, Binding to **Comfy Bunker** and **general**
Enqueued **Loud Nigra - cut and optimized** by **Fecal Fantasy** (*685281* views) [35 Seconds] currently 0
Playing **Loud Nigra - cut and optimized** by **Fecal Fantasy** (*685281* views) [35 Seconds]
Finished Playing **Loud Nigra - cut and optimized** by **Fecal Fantasy** (*685281* views) [35 Seconds]
sorry lol
fuck happened to this place
Leaving voice channel due to inactivity.
Y'know what's great about America?
We did brexit first and loudest.
Even the british referendum to cancel was big and loud, the canucks were even invited to the White House for another of their formal bonfires.
"This is important. Winter is coming"
My coworker sounds like a faggot
top kek