Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN

Discord ID: 511706794570022923

2018-11-13 00:12:19 UTC  

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``

2018-11-13 00:12:19 UTC  

**Playing** 🎶 `We Are Genetaion Identity | Generation Identity by Markus Willinger` - Now!

2018-11-13 00:13:32 UTC  


*You want to know who we are? Where we come from? What moves us?
We’ll tell you.
We are the changing times; we are the rising wind; the new generation. We are the answer to you, for we are your children.
You’ve thrown us into this world, uprooted and
disoriented, without telling us where to go, or where our path lies. You’ve destroyed every means for us to orient ourselves.
You’ve reduced the Church to rubble, so that now only a few of us still find refuge in the ruins of that community.
You’ve devalued the state, so that none of us wants to serve it anymore.
You’ve split the family. Our domestic idyll has been plunged into divorce, conflict and violence.*

2018-11-13 00:13:49 UTC  

*You’ve subjected love to a reductionist deconstruction, and so instead of a deep bond, only the animal drive remains.
You’ve ruined the economy, so we inherit mountains of debt.
You’ve questioned and criticised everything, so we now believe in nothing and no one.
You’ve left us no values, yet you now accuse us of being amoral.
But we are not.

You’ve promised yourselves a utopia, a peaceful, multicultural society of prosperity and tolerance.
We are the heirs of this utopia, and our reality looks very different.
You buy your peace with ever-mounting debt.  Today, we’re watching your prosperity disappear throughout Europe.
For us, your multicultural society means nothing but hatred and violence.
In the name of your ‘tolerance’ you hunt down all who criticise you, and call those you hunt intolerant.
We’ve had enough!
Your utopias have lost all legitimacy for us.
Realise at last that we don’t live in a unified world or in a global village. Wars, the poor, and the oppressed will always be with us. This world will never be a heaven on Earth.*

2018-11-13 00:13:54 UTC  

*Your delusions have only accomplished one thing:
You have uprooted your children.
We are the lost, the homeless. ‘Who are we?’ we ask ourselves. ‘Where are we going?’
We’ve seen through your answers and understood that they are lies. We aren’t ‘humanity’ and we don’t want
your paradise.
So we have come up with our own answer to these questions.
We turn to what you have demonised. To ourselves.
We search for our identity, and find it under the rubble of your destructive rage. We must dig deep to find ourselves again.
Our history, our homeland, and our culture give us what you have taken from us.
We don’t want to be citizens of the world. We are happier with our own countries.
We don’t want the end of history, for our history doesn’t give us cause to complain.
We don’t want a multicultural society where our own culture is left to burn in the melting pot. We are less demanding than you, yet we want so much more!

While you’ve chased utopias your entire lives, we want real values. What we demand actually exists; to possess it is our ancestral right. We desire nothing more than our inheritance, and won’t tolerate your withholding it any longer.
We are the answer to you and to the failure of your utopia.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:16:22 UTC  


2018-11-13 00:16:22 UTC  

📭 **Successfully disconnected**

2018-11-13 00:20:35 UTC  


*We’re a great riddle to you. An incomprehensible phenomenon.
Our words and deeds refute all your theories and arguments.
We live in the world you dreamt of, yet this world disgusts us.
Thanks to you, we could develop free from all social obligations and values; thanks to you we go lost and lonely through life.
You’ve destroyed everything that could have offered us identity and refuge, yet you’re shocked that we’re unhappy.
For deep in us lies a constant feeling of being alone, of being lost. We do everything to numb this feeling.
We throw the wildest parties and meet in glowing malls; we dance all night, take drugs, or hide behind our computers. Any means is justified in order to overcome this loneliness, but we are always still alone in the end.
You have taught us that we can buy anything. But where can we buy a remedy for loneliness?

Not that we didn’t try. With brand names, labels, and the latest clothing styles, we want to belong to a certain group. It may seem laughable to you, but for us, this is
one of the last remaining possibilities to somehow find a place where we belong.
Sometimes we manage to convince ourselves in our despair that we are absolutely unique, that we don’t need to belong to anything. In this way we give ourselves strength when the loneliness overcomes us.
Even if, one day, we become part of a group, because our innermost selves long for identity and belonging, we still can’t enjoy it. We always hear your nagging voices in
our heads, warning us about the dangers of peer pressure and the loss of our individuality. This inner conflict plunges us into yet deeper despair.

The dark companion of loneliness is boredom.
It’s the boredom that first reveals how lonely we are.
We don’t ever want to be bored, because then we couldn’t lie to ourselves anymore.
Yet boredom is our constant companion. It envelops us like a dark cloud and makes itself felt whenever we briefly pause from our frenzied searching.*

2018-11-13 00:20:46 UTC  

*This is why we seek to numb our boredom and loneliness, with means that become ever wilder and ever more reckless. But no artificial euphoria lasts long enough to bring us peace. No pleasure leads us to anything but desperate collapse. So we wander through life, half-lost and half-high.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:32:53 UTC  


*Sometimes we hear that there were once people who saw their highest honour in dedicating their lives to the service of the state.
We can’t understand or relate to this, as you have made us loathe the state, rotting as it is from the inside.
You’ve demonised it as an instrument of oppression. You wanted to abolish the state by any means.
But you have failed. While all of you fought the state, the commonest and greediest among you seized control of it and became what today passes for politicians.
The rest of you turned away from government service, and thereby left politics to the most repulsive representatives of your generation. And so the government became nothing but another opportunity to make money for oneself and one’s friends.

We bear the consequences of your failure. We pay the price for the fact that you were ‘too good’ to go into politics.
We don’t hate the state, we despise it. But abolish it?
That would never have occurred to us.
We are realists. We know that the state is a necessary evil.
We are pessimists. We don’t expect anything but lies from politicians.

You went to vote bursting with enthusiasm, proud of your right to have a say. We can only laugh at your naïveté.
None of us still believes today that he can change something with his vote. We only vote if there’s nothing good on TV.
The politicians of all the parties are the same to us. They all say the same thing, after all.
They promised the Moon. Unemployment, poverty, crime, and everything bad would be banished, if only we would vote for them. Except that as soon as they won, their words always turned out to be nothing but empty

2018-11-13 00:33:27 UTC  

*So we stopped voting. For as long as we can
remember, we haven’t cared which parties attempt to exploit us. The politicians are, for us, all the same old windbags without the slightest conception of the problems and worries of our generation.

You rule over us and run the political system only for yourselves. You don’t care about the youth. And so we don’t care about you. Leave us alone, and don’t bother to try to act like our friends. We see through your grinning
PR masks at first glance.
We don’t want anything to do with you and your pathetic schemes, and you yourselves are the reason why. Your politics disgust us. Your scrabble for power and influence repels us. You repel us.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:38:12 UTC  


*On countless TV series you make us watch the lives of synthetically perfect families. We are hungry for such images, as they are the exact opposite of the reality you have brought into being.

In your unprecedented arrogance, you claimed that the family was no longer necessary. Father, mother, and child are supposedly an outdated model. You leapt gleefully to the task of stamping out the family.
That which should have been our place of refuge and source of inspiration became the stage for countless arguments and fights.
Your ideal was to enjoy success and the good life. And so you enjoyed life. But who watched out for your children?*

2018-11-13 00:38:29 UTC  

*You were egoists, and you divorced a thousand times without once thinking about what that would mean for us.
You wanted to have a career and to make money. So you moved to go wherever the best jobs were, and didn't give a thought to our welfare and stability.

You left us sitting alone in front of the TV, where the perfect life was presented to us every day. Full of rage, we compared our sad reality with the fantasy worlds into which we submerged ourselves.

A perpetual, deep resentment lies buried within us, as we know in our hearts that we were betrayed and tricked out of that which is most important. We can’t articulate this
resentment, but we take it out on you.

You often accuse us of acting irrationally — a justified accusation, as we don’t act rationally, thoughtfully or logically.
We are the generation of the heart and of feeling, and our actions are determined by nothing other than a deep longing for the shelter you should have provided us.
The ideals of TV became our ideals. We have made them our own and we all dream of a wonderful family.

This is what you threw away as old-fashioned and pointless; we want nothing more.
No one showed us how to build a family, or told us how to stick together or resolve a conflict. We have failed a thousand times in trying to realise our ideal.

Since you have run the economy into the ground, we must be ‘flexible’ and look for work wherever we can get it; it prevents us from realising our dream a million times over.

To pay for our pensions, we’ll have to work more than all the generations before us; we know now that you'll even rob us of our future well-being, on top of everything else.*

2018-11-13 00:38:44 UTC  

*You rush across the globe to inject life into your dying economy and to delay paying back your debts, to keep your own pensions rolling in.

Yet our dream remains a happy family and future.

However many roadblocks you put in our path, we won't give up this dream.
For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:45:54 UTC  

Sorry for not being talkative. I'm exhausted from last night's drive home from DtR and today's school / lifting. I am enjoying everyone's comments, though

2018-11-13 00:46:01 UTC  

no worry 😄

2018-11-13 00:46:40 UTC  


*If you’ve taught us one thing, it’s that we should not, and may not, believe in anything. We’ve learned this lesson much more thoroughly than you realize.

Question, criticise, and doubt everything — so you lectured us. And when you said ‘everything,’ you meant, above all, the old values of family, tradition, and country.

We followed your lead, criticising, questioning, and doubting everything. But when we say ‘everything,’ we truly mean everything. Above all, we mean you.

Did you really think that the generation you raised in total doubt would follow in your footsteps? Did you really believe that we would accept your critique of all values uncritically? Did you really think that we would continue
your work of destruction, just because you told us how?

How little you know your own children!
The critical minds among us were the first to see through your smokescreen. We listened sceptically to your hollow phrases about tolerance and emancipation, and yet we didn’t let your wishful thinking throw sand in
our eyes. Our gaze penetrated the obscuring fog of your mental confusion and saw things as they are.

We watch as your dead ideas and laughable hallucinations writhe on the ground, gasping for breath, waiting for someone to deal them the mercy blow.*

2018-11-13 00:47:00 UTC  

*We’re glad to assume the task, and to finally bring peace, to you as well.
We’ll carry you carefully onwards, and lay you down to rest. Sleep, dear parents. Stop trying to influence politics.
Stop trying to adapt reality to your false dreams. Take a rest; you’ve truly done enough.
Do not worry. Know that the world is in good hands.

We will destroy the monsters you have created. We will make your barren land bear fruit again. The society you tried to liberate by destroying it, we will rebuild. Rest. Leave the task of shaping Europe to those who
know something about it.

Leave it to us.
Step down and make room.
For generation identity.*

2018-11-13 00:52:29 UTC  


*All earthly things appear quite different to different observers. That which each observer expects and hopes for clouds and alters his perception. Our previous experiences change our view of the world, and to speak of you, ideologies, hallucinations and other fantasies
have darkened your vision of the true nature of things.

It may be that two people see the same thing entirely differently, on account of their different experiences and preconceived notions.
It may just as well be that two generations see the same matter entirely differently.
So it is between us and you regarding your
multicultural society.

Decades ago you carried the torch for multiculturalism and wanted to implement it at any cost. But what does multiculturalism mean to you? Nothing more than eating pizza and kebabs at the Turkish joint. Other than that,
you have precious little to do with the multicultural society. And because you like to eat Turkish food and don’t quite get what’s going on, it’s easy for you to damn our criticisms as ‘prejudice.’

In your perception, multiculturalism is working quite fine. But your children see things a bit differently. We go to class with 80% or more foreign-born students. Knife-mad Turks, drug-dealing Africans, and fanatical Muslims.

Your cheap clichés are our reality. That is why we hate your great dream of the multicultural society. What do you know about this
society? Nothing.

So stop trying to lecture us. Stop trying to sell us the line that we’re evil racists, just because your utopia disgusts us.
Don’t come at us with the Second World War and Hitler when we’re talking about Mehmed the Conqueror and Mustafa. And don’t tell us that foreigners are exactly like us, when we see every day that they’re not.*

2018-11-13 00:52:49 UTC  

We are more disenfranchised than they are. We don't want Mehmed and Mustafa to become Europeans. We don’t want immigrants to take over our identities and give
up their own. They should hold on to their own identities, and let us have ours.

We don’t ask more than that which should be obvious: Europe belongs to the Europeans alone. We are the rightful heirs to this continent, and we will not give up our inheritance.

For we are generation identity.

2018-11-13 01:00:06 UTC  

I got to bow out for some family stuff. See ya next time. It's a good book. Thank you for leading, Carleton.

2018-11-13 01:02:25 UTC  

watching Tucker ill be back if youre still discussing

2018-11-13 01:05:55 UTC  


*Colourful, diverse, heterogeneous; you sure like to sell yourselves as proponents of diversity. You tolerate every perversion and think that by doing so that you’re doing diversity a service. Yet you’re wrong once again.

A picture doesn’t take on vivid contrasts when one mixes all the colours together, but when one paints each colour in its respective place.
Large-scale diversity requires small-scale homogeneity.

You can’t grasp this. You see one multicultural
metropolis, and you want every city to become like it.
You speak of diversity, but you want to make everything the same.
Don’t you preach it to us every day?

There has to be one market, you claim. One form of government is the right one. You want to implement one formulation of human rights, which should apply to everyone. We all live in one world. These are your slogans. How is it then that you dare to claim that you
stand for diversity, when you hate diversity from the depths of your being?

We don’t want to see one and the same kind of city spread across the entire world. We want to travel to other countries and experience entirely different cultures, not further outposts of a universal, globalised metropolis.

We want to return home to our own culture, where we feel in harmony with ourselves, not to a cookie-cutter colony of conformity to a multicultural empire.*

2018-11-13 01:06:13 UTC  

*We oppose your credo of multiculturalism with the principle of ethnopluralism. Instead of mixing and standardisation, we want to preserve difference. We want different peoples, cultures, and identities. Our own

We want the world to remain a colourfully vibrant and enchanting mosaic; we don’t want a drab, grey projection screen.

We are the real representatives of diversity; its
real guerrilla warriors.

For we are generation identity.*

2018-11-13 01:07:57 UTC  

diversity is racial communism. communisms goal was to institute a world government. if all countries are diverse, there would be no point in keeping different countries

2018-11-13 01:19:27 UTC  

Thanks, Carleton

2018-11-13 01:20:45 UTC  

Thanks everyone for joining!

2018-11-19 00:09:23 UTC  

ruly, it requires great boldness to broach this theme.
We’re often accused, and often correctly, of being the
generation of sexual permissiveness. The generation
without values, principles, or meaningful relationships.
Yes! All of these accusations are justified. Yet they are
only one side of the coin, and in the end, whoever
accuses the youth of a lack of sexual inhibitions without
illuminating its causes has as little of an understanding of
the youth as he does of sexuality.
We reject unrestrained sexuality more than any other
generation. This is because for no previous generation in
history has true love played such a great role as it does
for us.
Of all the things that you’re devalued and destroyed,
you’ve left us love. Truly, you’ve never really cared about
love. You’ve despised it and sold it short. But precisely
for that reason, you’ve never launched a frontal assault
against it. It remained alive.
And it became to our last place of refuge.
So here we are in this world of loneliness and fleeting
happiness; we long for the person who can bring us to
safety. It is our highest goal and our greatest happiness
to find true love.

2018-11-19 00:09:37 UTC  

Yet we are sexually promiscuous, drink hard, and settle
for the second best. No one suffers more from this than
we ourselves.
Two powerful drives rage within us — the longing for
true love on the one hand, and wild animal desire on the
Only a few happy ones among us succeed in fusing
these two fundamental forces together. The great
majority, however, find themselves in a relentless and
pitiless combat with themselves.
You fired the first shot in this war.
The consequences of your ‘sexual liberation’ have us
in a stranglehold. It is impossible to go out for even a day
into the world without being greeted by half-naked men
and women. All films, advertising, and magazines
consciously manipulate sexual desire. So it is that desire
grows, often in opposition to our love. When it’s over and
the wild, alcohol-soaked night is behind us, we regret
what we’ve done. Often we feel sad because of it.
This inner struggle, which each of us must win for
himself, is also part of our identity.
Yet we declare resolutely: we want to win it! A long
road may lie before us, but in the end, the love within us

2018-11-19 00:09:47 UTC  

will triumph over animalistic desire.
For we are generation identity.

2018-11-19 00:12:52 UTC  

@Nemets I think you have a delay, guy

2018-11-19 00:13:55 UTC  

my roommate just got home actually i cant talk openly now. ill just type if thats ok

2018-11-19 00:14:16 UTC  

@Nemets try rejoining

2018-11-19 00:14:24 UTC  

i can hear carleton too

2018-11-19 00:14:59 UTC  

like spanish

2018-11-19 00:15:45 UTC  

talk pls

2018-11-19 00:15:51 UTC  

read that in jeb bush voice

2018-11-19 00:15:56 UTC  

As the Visigoths crossed the Danube in 376 and
penetrated the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire,
Emperor Valens was facing a fateful decision. His
generals pleaded with him to gather the army and force
back the Goths. His political advisers, however, feared a
long and bitter war. In their view, the Visigoths were only
defenceless refugees displaced by the Huns. They
convinced Valens that he must show compassion, and
assign the Goths land in the Roman Empire. The Empire
had far too few soldiers, so it might be quite clever to win
the Visigoths as allies. What was wrong with taking them
in? In fifty years, so they thought, the Visigoths would be
civilised Roman citizens like all the rest. Only their
unusually pale skin and blonde hair would remain as
reminders that they came from outside.
So they gave the Visigoths land. Some years went by,
and the Romans congratulated themselves on their
brilliant solution to the problem. They drank their wine
and let the Visigoths fight for them.
Yet the Visigoths did not by any means integrate
themselves into Roman society, but became a state
within the state. Over the course of the following years,
ever more Germanic peoples crossed the Danube and
joined the Visigoths. The power of the tribe became so

2018-11-19 00:16:00 UTC  


2018-11-19 00:16:10 UTC  

mighty that it no longer followed the Emperor’s orders.
When Emperor Valens recognised that the Visigoths
had grown out of his control, he sent his army to subdue
them. But there were already far too many of them. The
Romans underestimated the power of the Visigoths and
were defeated.
Thereafter, fleeing from the Huns, the tribe murdered
and pillaged its way through the whole Empire. In 410
they sacked Rome, and finally settled in Gaul.
The Huns were now a Western Roman problem. After
having recovered their strength and won a victory over
the Goths, the Romans once again faced the question:
should we continue the attack and drive them back to
Germania, or ally ourselves with them?
Fearing a long war, the Roman politicians sent the
Goths enormous quantities of gold to win them as allies
against the Huns.
When the Hunnic Empire finally collapsed after Attila’s
death, the Roman treasury was bare. The countryside
had been ravaged or occupied by the Visigoths and
other Germanic tribes.
Money for new soldiers was lacking, and although the
external threat from the Huns had been eliminated, the
Empire was still doomed to fall. Vandals, Alemanni, and
Visigoths were firmly established within the Empire, and
could no longer be removed. The Romans sent them

2018-11-19 00:16:20 UTC  

gold to purchase peace, but at some point their reserves
ran out. Then the Germanic tribes finally declared
independence from Rome and laid waste to the rest of
the Western Empire. In 476, the last Emperor of Rome
was dethroned.
The fall of the Roman Empire is similar to the process
now underway in Europe. Will we one day speak of the
decline and fall of the West?
Devastated and weakened by the Second World War,
allegedly clever European politicians sought help from
outside. The borders were opened to millions of Muslims,
intended to breathe new life into a Europe with a
declining birth rate and allow Europe to compete
economically with the USA and the Soviet Union and,
later, with the rising powers such as China and India.
The Muslims, however, didn’t integrate themselves,
but formed parallel societies. They had significantly more
children than Europeans; their numbers grew without
pause through new births and continued immigration.
The politicians sought to keep them quiet with payoffs
from the welfare state, but in the course of an
overwhelming economic crisis, their savings gave out.
Europe had to start making cuts, and so unrest began
among the immigrants, first in 2005 in Paris, then in