Message from @Tunnekylmä - Ted Bundy Inc
Discord ID: 473024214899621908
gas it
English subtitles
btw dante it was a joke
Ik that “berg” isn’t only a Jew thing too
For ex Claus von stauffenberg wasn’t jewish but was in the Wehrmacht
And I’m very aware Maurice was 1/8 jewish
and stein, etc
Stauffenberg was a mental jew, a traitor.
@borg2323#4346 yh
you know a video will be good when it starts with "asalam alajkum" followed by russian speech
Oy vey anti-semitic discord servers
I heard that Discord has a history of selling chat logs to SPLC so be careful guys
>the guys who own discord literally supported and gave donations to the (((Hilary Campaign)))
my iphone's screen cracked
have to get it repaired
should i be worried? or am i being paranoid
its not like they are going to go trhough my phone righrt
@Hunter491 (((Iphone)))
oh pls, you can always go full varg @Tunnekylmä - Ted Bundy Inc and live in the fucking woods
thing is you wont escape the jews living a regular life
so what should I do, change my password?
@Hunter491 Dude, just get a normal, cheap phone.
No point to give (((them))) anymore money than necessary.
tell me am i overthinking it?
its not like i have swastika on my phone
just some convos
Buy a cheap Chinese bootleg
Life has taught me that Jews are willing to do anything if it aids them.
Best would be being many Chinese bootleg smartphones and building your own modded smartphone out of it
fact of life: