Message from @Timpa38
Discord ID: 544594769586814979
A bit of normie tier memes. Goys, you need to step up your game.
@beans#1467 I've actually thought about that one. But, no. He was clearly not a zionist. If we was, he houldn't direct any critics against jews at all. Get out of here, troll.
@Speeder based af
it's interesting he can measure stuff with his anus
Odd fellow
@PYCAHO🅱 you can’t?
i know hman
Made it that is?
What the fuck
Also interested of creator of video
God bless you <:adolflol:449290174082318339>
😂 great video we miss bashing you and your clientel on the network
Its good that the christians stay in their basements/their own hugbox servers doing that
nothinn personnel, christcuck
the irony
>stay in hugbox
>flag video no one cares about
Which video have i flagged
Yeah, your lame ass christian server because most the christ cucks were bullied out of network
@Deleted User *laughing in third reich*