Message from @Hunter491
Discord ID: 473475972608294935
Im still waiting for Turner Diares to happen lol
Why do you say that? How do you know.
assuming we are talking about Europe
such person would be quickly assinated, bought off, blackmailed, his group would be infiltrated and exposes
leaderless resistance is what we need
The Aryan blood demands a Hero to be born. It is the prerequisite of it.
It is wyrd. Inevitable fate
I dont believe in this esotericism sorry
Doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Just look at Hitler.
I dont see him as this near godlike mythical person either
it's not esotericism even if he used an esoteric term
well even the term is just mythological, not esoteric
it's been acknowledged by countless men from antiquity to Hitler's own statements that history is changed by the hands of a few great personalities, not by the masses
oh I dont dispute that
Yup. There is a difference between just saying "nope" and actually thinking about it
all Im saying is that one person wont save Europe
he may save his own country
if it comes to that
But then you're denying what you don't dispute
im not denying anything, i just dont believe in fate therefore I dont think that some great person is predistined to show up
Clearly one man won't save Europe, but one man will ignite the fire and be responsible.
One person never saved "Europe". It was the Will of the volk that put those banners up and fired those rifles
It is way more complicated than just a historical accurance between the years of 1890 and 1947
The problem of a unified people at this moment is that there tends to be different organizations with the same goal with similar ideals of getting to it. They need to be unified however the problem is that we are not unified at the moment and that's what the Jew wants. Keep continuing it and our downfall is inevitable.
I like the NRM, I really do. They are one of the few, what the mainstream media calls, "Neo-Nazi" movements which I admire
Authentic people who want to keep a Nazi racialist state in all of Scandinavia and the Nordic countries. (If you have a problem with me using the term Nazi, please talk to me in DMs)
One man cannot save Europe. That has been tried by Hitler. God bless his soul. Anywho, yes,
However it is the will of the people that must rise up, of course with a leader, a Führer/Duce/Conducator, etc that shall lead you to it
Hitler has predicted that a 100 years later, a new leader shall come to help us through our struggle. I predict somewhere in 2033-34 someone like Hitler will show up and save Europe from its current niggerization and Jewry.
Are you referring to "the Man to Come"?
If that's what it's called?
I never knew the name but I know what it's suppose to be about
I just have never heard of this prediction
isnt that a made up quote?
Maybe, try and find it
The Man to Come was the name of a chapter in M. Serrano's book MANU. Afaik used to refer to the Einherjar
Supposed to be one of the last recorded words of the Fuhrer
Implying Skinheads are by default bad people. Also I agree on @ETERNAL_BOOMER statement that the people are not unifed. The reason I think NRM has been so succesfull is that it is **The** Movement. In the US especially this is a huge issue with hundreds of small 5 man groups all wanting control and to lead. I hope that one day burgers will realize that this ''unite the right'' mumbo jumbo is extremely bad for them and that there will come a dedicated group of people willing to fight left and ''right'' alike to create a strong movement.
Made up or not, there will be a new leader sometime I believe. The Jewish lies will spill out in great numbers and collapse.