Message from @Lemon
Discord ID: 449518115877945356
These people don't belong in Scandinavia
too swarthy
you don't belong in scandinavia
Amazing argument
Is that the king?
@Deleted User That guy was adopted i belive. He's not even a real sami.
ye hes from brazil
well hes still a sami
What i mean is that he can not be a sami since they go by ethnicity. Atleast non cultural marxist samis are.
Doesn't matter if they're mixed and "look white" either way
"They're very mixed so few of them are racially Sami, the rest looks as Nordic as us."
I dunno if you missed that part.
They're still non-white
One drop rule applies hard here
I don't disagree there. Looks and actual ethnicity are two different things
They are indeed. Look at the jews.
My fellow whites
@Deleted User what are YOU talking about? he is not saumi^^ he was adopted by a saumi family. but he is not ethnically saumi
Did you not read anything below that
did you?
Do so
>did you