Message from @Keaton (Kentucky)
Discord ID: 449726262857039872
Would you say your group is Alt-Right? @Keaton (Kentucky)
Not exactly part of the Alt Right but we're willing to work with them
So groups like Identity Evropa?
I've been speaking with Richard Spencer about it
Yes like Identity Evropa
What I've heard is that Identity Evropa is pretty jewed.
I'm going to attempt to speak to Identity Evropa
I've not heard that
IE tries WAY to hard to not come off racist
As long as you influence them with natsocism and not vice versa, i think collaboration could be a positive thing.
We continue off of a mixture of Rockwell and somewhat Mosley
Basically National Socialism and Mosleite Fascism
They won't become NatSoc @Thule
They have closet Nazis but they won't admit it
It's a step further to waking up.
People can skip the Alt-Right phase
The Alt Right will eventually faze out
their prime was in 2016 was it not
I would say so yeah
When they had Damigo
Still pretty cucked though
We are rapidly growing
awd lul
We are extremely disciplined
muh read siege
With uniforms
Read it faggots
pepsi you awd faggot
fuck you
SIEGE ain't bad though
can't say, haven't read it.
Just the keyboard warriors that advocate it give it a bad reputation
siege is for deafetist fags