Message from @Thule

Discord ID: 449726765691174913

2018-05-26 00:09:48 UTC  

As long as you influence them with natsocism and not vice versa, i think collaboration could be a positive thing.

2018-05-26 00:10:00 UTC  

We continue off of a mixture of Rockwell and somewhat Mosley

2018-05-26 00:10:18 UTC  

Basically National Socialism and Mosleite Fascism

2018-05-26 00:10:19 UTC  

They won't become NatSoc @Thule

2018-05-26 00:10:28 UTC  

They have closet Nazis but they won't admit it

2018-05-26 00:10:33 UTC  

It's a step further to waking up.

2018-05-26 00:10:41 UTC  


2018-05-26 00:10:54 UTC  

People can skip the Alt-Right phase

2018-05-26 00:11:25 UTC  

The Alt Right will eventually faze out

2018-05-26 00:11:36 UTC  

Groups like ours will replace it

2018-05-26 00:11:44 UTC  

their prime was in 2016 was it not

2018-05-26 00:11:50 UTC  

I would say so yeah

2018-05-26 00:11:54 UTC  

When they had Damigo

2018-05-26 00:12:05 UTC  

Still pretty cucked though

2018-05-26 00:12:28 UTC  

We are rapidly growing

2018-05-26 00:12:48 UTC  

2018-05-26 00:13:28 UTC  

awd lul

2018-05-26 00:13:28 UTC  

We are extremely disciplined

2018-05-26 00:13:36 UTC  

muh read siege

2018-05-26 00:13:39 UTC  

With uniforms

2018-05-26 00:13:43 UTC  


2018-05-26 00:13:50 UTC  

Read it faggots

2018-05-26 00:13:51 UTC  

pepsi you awd faggot

2018-05-26 00:14:07 UTC  

fuck you

2018-05-26 00:14:31 UTC  

SIEGE ain't bad though

2018-05-26 00:14:39 UTC  

can't say, haven't read it.

2018-05-26 00:14:45 UTC  

Just the keyboard warriors that advocate it give it a bad reputation

2018-05-26 00:14:46 UTC  

siege is for deafetist fags

2018-05-26 00:14:56 UTC  

its retarded

2018-05-26 00:15:06 UTC  

they don't come off as defeatists to me.

2018-05-26 00:15:11 UTC  

more like anarchists

2018-05-26 00:15:18 UTC  

@David Nilsson Like I said, The keyboard warriors that advocate it give it a bad rep

2018-05-26 00:15:22 UTC  

actual radical fucking anarchists

2018-05-26 00:15:36 UTC  

@Thule Reactionary Anarchist I would say

2018-05-26 00:15:58 UTC  

In America the only logical solution for establishing a NatSoc government would to make the current system collapse

2018-05-26 00:16:16 UTC  

And rebuild a new one from scratch

2018-05-26 00:17:15 UTC  

it seems to me most americans are incapable of organizing themselves and adapting discipline.

2018-05-26 00:17:28 UTC  


2018-05-26 00:17:36 UTC  

@Thule Most to almost all movementarian groups in America are garbage