Message from @Nate Higgers
Discord ID: 505474465212399625
You can find more of his videos on other platforms.
While there is other German podcast-ish things you can listen to, this is a well known one that is good to start.
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Opinions on GM Crops?
@killie_cowboy Got no problems with them tbh.
GMOs are horribly destructive and anti nature, they should be illegalized
Fucking around with nature for your personal gain will eventually cause your destruction
GMOs are way to unpredictable and once they spread you cant keep them from fucking up the balance of the ecosystem
Agreed, the concept of trying to improve your crops is an ancient one in European civilization, and with controlled environments trying to improve crops with gene science is not in and by itself a bad idea, but like all this when it's owned by Jewish capitalists and corporations like Monsanto they do it in a horribly dangerous way
Dangerous and unhealthy, wealth trumps health to these people
Capitalism is big gay
"Combat the industrialization of agriculture and animal husbandry. Strict bans against GMO, chemical fertilizers and pesticides will be enforced."
point 6 in our path
@Nate Higgers natural and organic is obviously the way to go but having say crops genetically modified to resist certain natural disasters stored not in nature but in vaults with failsafes of all kind in case of natural or unnatural disaster
Yeah in that instance i guess it can be aceeptable but we dont really have to worry about natural disasters in the north
I read "our path" a fair bit of time ago, but does anywhere in NRM literature does it say what should be done with the Svalbard Global Seed Vault? Norwegian tax money paid for it so it's rightful Nordic property imo, but globalists like bill gates are invested as well, and you know (((they))) would not want us to have the seed vault
I dont now any official stance but it should probably be preserved and protected
Also wikipedia says svalbard dont allow any GMOs to be stored so there is only natural seeds in there anyway
They don’t have just seeds there
They archive books and photos there too
It’s huge
Live from Norway!
There is no need to store GMO versions of seeds. You can just recreate them if they go extinct. Its the natural versions that matter. Once they are gone, they are gone.
Live continues in Norway!
You guys have to listen to the most recent episode of the Radical Agenda. The guest is Art Jones an old school National Socialist from the National Socialist White People's Party. He tells stories like beating up a black that tried to attack his booth at a state fair, and while he's beating up the nigger a state cop says "alright jones leave some for us" and arrested the nigger
@Nate Higgers There is nothing wrong with chemical fertillisers. Just pure NPK. The essential elements plants need.
Chemical fertilisers are OK at the right amounts.
The issue is that way way too much is used because the world has 7 billion people who all want food.
Though there wouldnt be any need for excess fertiliser if humans didnt waste so much food.
Lately I’ve been questioning whether or not Hitler was right