Message from @LCpl Honey_Badger ✝
Discord ID: 811576486548996126
you can hide a phone or iPad in plain sight with the screen dark but definitely not as good as a true spy cam
Thought about that too. Just need a motion sensor. I have things missing from my house, small items but nothing major. Just curious on why some things go missing but some things reappear later
Weird. I’d be setting up a camera too
Do you live alone? Explain! Inquiring minds want to know! 😁
Lol, no my mom lives with me. I found a camera on Amazon. I had a baseball card, collector card, come up missing
No one comes to my home much except my aunt. Other things have gone missing but showed up a few days later
Guns are never messed with. Something is weird
Hell yes it affects your dna!!
It's a miracle. Justice against an antifa member.
Good morning
Good morning
Good morning. 🍮🇺🇸
Mornin ☕☕☕
What's that
Lin Wood must be on drugs
Oh, ✋,,,to early for humor
If you read the while thing it's pretty funny.
2 of my grandbabies stayed overnight. One just crawled into my bed (she's 4) and said 'Nama, why do you have so many guns in your room?'
Proud moment. 🤣🤣
I'm just a bitch in the morning if I don't get enough coffee. Not much coffee today. So for ftx, stay away from me if I don't have coffee
Your not the only one I have to steer clear of customers when I first got into work every morning to not get reported for being a a**
Rush Limbaugh died. 😭😭😭😭
Someone has been doing his show
Oh no!! 😟
So sad.😢
Just turned his show on. His wife had a recorded message about him passing of cancer
That sounds really odd
Rush’s wife announced his death on radio. The loss of a giant Patriot.
Sounds a little perverted, especially with that smile
Rush's wife Katheryn makes the announcement.
A sad day for us conservatives. I hope you will join me in a special prayer for him and his loved ones.
If there is some other way that we can show our support, your ideas are welcome.