Message from @Gen. BLooDAgenT
Discord ID: 812846396268740659
Tucker Carlson tonight!! Systemic racism bulldung
Geeez Blood boils watching it!!! You wouldn’t think they’d want us out there running around with nothing left to lose!!!
Fuck with our Forefathers and we take your ass out. The South shall rise again! Mutha Fuckers
😆 😆
It's just a way to control people. Nothing different than a communist country controlling It's people...Biden is a communist
They all are!!
The communists infiltrated our institutions of higher kool-aid drinking. I can’t figure out why conservative parents would ever send their “young skulls full of mush” off to one of these places for indoctrination. Once your kid goes to one of these places...
They’re done!!!!!
Unless of course you threaten to disown them before they go!!!
Like I did Bad Raccoon!
Horrible Dad!!
Oh no you didn't!
Did I say that out loud???
Bad Racoon turned out good though
So you did good
Come to my house ya ain't getting what you came for, best damn believe!
Most Republicans are socialist and all democrats seem communist lol
F n right
Sounding off to request an interview. Let's get this thing going👍
Good to see you made it. Are you on a phone or a computer sir?
I don't have a webcam on my PC sorry
Swipe Right, see if you have a VOICE CHANNELS listed with III% Security Force under it. If so tap on it.
I do
BigDog, if you need someone to sit in, I volunteer
Hey Chaos
3 Dead in Louisiana gun shop
You can be sure DEMS will hit hard with more Gun Control.
Atlanta has their gun show this weekend
hope it dont filter over
Whenever you are ready I'm here.
Thank you sir, standby.
how to get into the room Cpt Big Dog
ChaosSalem please go to video connection sir.
Damn theres a lot of ppl in there. No pressure.