Message from @Pumpkin_Cats

Discord ID: 812226230400057356

2021-02-19 05:41:56 UTC  

@Benjamin. What's your beef with 70, 50, and 30?

2021-02-19 05:42:07 UTC  


2021-02-19 05:42:34 UTC  

I would answer 70 but that's not an option so I'm going with 60

2021-02-19 05:44:49 UTC  

80+ ez

2021-02-19 05:45:32 UTC  

last summer saw a good 100+ F and I was still outside doing my thing

2021-02-19 05:46:08 UTC  

lol it's not that bad

2021-02-19 05:46:32 UTC  


2021-02-19 05:46:49 UTC  

I'm used to godawful weather here

2021-02-19 05:47:11 UTC  

I'll be outside in shorts in like 8 F no biggie

2021-02-19 05:47:42 UTC  

Wow lol

2021-02-19 05:48:18 UTC  

obviously not for long but yeah we see both extremes of the temperature range here

2021-02-19 05:48:59 UTC  

back in august I was road biking in like 106 F or something of the like according to the temperature sensor in its speedo

2021-02-19 05:49:25 UTC  

I'd rather it be nice and hot than cold that's for sure

2021-02-19 05:50:47 UTC  

What state? If you don't mind saying

2021-02-19 05:50:52 UTC  


2021-02-19 05:51:14 UTC  


2021-02-19 05:51:26 UTC  

yeah state of the bipolar weather

2021-02-19 07:34:18 UTC  


2021-02-19 07:34:27 UTC  

Is the best

2021-02-19 07:35:08 UTC  

Or 60° if sunny

2021-02-19 07:37:03 UTC  

I will go out in 0 degree weather with a short sleeves shirt on cause I'm basically a snow floridian

2021-02-19 14:43:47 UTC  

I don't mind if before election day they put out a message saying to go vote (even to say who to vote for). But I don't want my Twitter feed bombarded with tweets and retweets about politics after following your tech Twitter.

2021-02-19 15:09:21 UTC  

do what you want but if you get super annoying ill ufgollow you

2021-02-19 17:03:46 UTC  

The only issue is when someone just says an uninformed opinion and everyone believe it because of your celebrity

2021-02-19 17:11:28 UTC  

The whole point of entertainment is to *escape* the issues of the world, not to be further steeped in them

2021-02-19 17:41:45 UTC  

very true

2021-02-19 18:14:19 UTC  

i dont want to see my favorite youtubers endorse pride month or some other degeneracy. I'd rather just watch good content

2021-02-19 18:14:57 UTC  

but at the same time it could be something they are very passionate about

2021-02-19 18:18:33 UTC  

So start another channel to rant about whatever, don't use your cooking channel to spew your political agenda.

2021-02-19 18:22:04 UTC  

Also, why does some guy who plays with phones suddenly know what is best for all of us? The idiot who lives a pretend life by acting in movies and TV shows is now an expert on marriage, birth control and who should be the next president! And let's not forget the pile of dog sh!t that sold computers in the 90s who is now the #1 expert on medicine and what meat we eat...

2021-02-19 20:12:32 UTC  

I'm not one to get triggered when i see politics, even if i may disagree 🤷

2021-02-19 20:34:34 UTC  

Neither am I. Say what you want. However the question is should these people be using their platform that are not political spread their politics there? Many people subscribe to see that one topic and don't want politics shoved down their throat.

Would a tech YTer suddenly start posting cooking videos? Generally not. The same is true for politics. If they feel strongly about it, they should start a new channel.

2021-02-19 20:37:35 UTC  

They should be free to do it, and just as free to be "surprised" when their viewership drops <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-19 20:38:59 UTC  

I hear ya

2021-02-19 20:39:26 UTC  

I hate when politics is involved in a community that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

2021-02-19 20:39:58 UTC  

But the problem is that ppl still want the content they subscribed for in the first place.

2021-02-19 20:53:27 UTC  

If anybody gets "triggered" at anything, they have mental issues imho

2021-02-20 01:46:58 UTC  

I think it's fine if politics is the purpose of the channel, like Zeducation, but otherwise I think they should just stick to other content

2021-02-20 04:36:36 UTC  

If the main purpose of your channel is politics, that's fine
But if not, then don't mention politics, at all preferably...

2021-02-20 04:44:00 UTC  

George Washington speaks words of wisdom