Message from @98
Discord ID: 812198317056196629
*im kidding*
Above 80 is nice for a bit but then it gets sweaty
idk 100 deg C is pretty chill 😎
sub zero 🙂
anyone that sets their room above like 70 in winter is reptillian <:KEK:795742276549607456>
or 90 degrees with 85% humidity <:Nervous_Pepe:797578774531014677>
dont even wanna imagine their power bill
Sub zero 💯
I turn on the air conditioning
__***BA DUM BUM***__
In winter
Anything below 65 is wayyyyyy too cold
I thrive in mid 70 degree weather
Even the thermostat is always set to 74° year round
i think 60 degrees is like 20ish celcius
@Benjamin. What's your beef with 70, 50, and 30?
I would answer 70 but that's not an option so I'm going with 60
80+ ez
last summer saw a good 100+ F and I was still outside doing my thing
I'm used to godawful weather here
I'll be outside in shorts in like 8 F no biggie
Wow lol
obviously not for long but yeah we see both extremes of the temperature range here
back in august I was road biking in like 106 F or something of the like according to the temperature sensor in its speedo
I'd rather it be nice and hot than cold that's for sure
What state? If you don't mind saying
yeah state of the bipolar weather
Is the best
Or 60° if sunny
I will go out in 0 degree weather with a short sleeves shirt on cause I'm basically a snow floridian
I don't mind if before election day they put out a message saying to go vote (even to say who to vote for). But I don't want my Twitter feed bombarded with tweets and retweets about politics after following your tech Twitter.
do what you want but if you get super annoying ill ufgollow you
The only issue is when someone just says an uninformed opinion and everyone believe it because of your celebrity
The whole point of entertainment is to *escape* the issues of the world, not to be further steeped in them
very true