Message from @Cothelas Decaeneus

Discord ID: 814558886924648469

2021-02-25 17:29:01 UTC  

I cited the 5th commandment because it is literally god saying don’t kill. I would still support that anyways but it was the shortest way to argue it

2021-02-25 17:29:19 UTC  

Also I got class starting rn so I gotta go for now

2021-02-25 17:32:16 UTC  

I think there are other verses of God saying otherwise, specifically in response when one has killed. I am going to ping you this last time for this, because I think it is a worthwhile discussion, and hopefully it doesn't disrupt your class. I'd suggest reading Amy Coney Barrett's Law Review article I sent above when asked by American Soul. The article goes into the differences between an innocent life being taken, which occurs in the case of abortion and euthanasia, and a non-innocent life, which occurs in the scenario of war and when a murder has already occurred. I think it may strengthen your argument, or possibly even change your stance.

2021-02-25 17:42:05 UTC  

I think death penalty in VERY rare cases is okay

2021-02-25 17:42:18 UTC  

how rare?

2021-02-25 17:42:54 UTC  

Idk I flip flop on this topic a lot because I do consider myself pro life and I think that has to apply everywhere

2021-02-25 17:43:31 UTC  

Unrepentant murders, child rapes, worst of the worst crime

2021-02-25 17:45:15 UTC  

I think prisons should have forced work for crimes of a certain magnitude as well. Not hard inhuman labor, but something to keep the guys busy, maybe even pick up a job skill. Prisons should be government run, not privetized for profit

2021-02-25 17:45:28 UTC  
2021-02-25 17:48:25 UTC  

I think they should be government controlled, but for nonviolent crimes such as petty theft, or simple robbery, I think it's more important to ... what's the word? basically fix them rather than punishment. I believe in lowering the repeat offender rate before cruel punishment

2021-02-25 17:50:41 UTC  

Pro life/Pro death penalty Babies are innocent therefore they should not be killed for there parents being reckless, killing a child is not a way to fix your mistakes, murders deserve to die because they are not innocent.

2021-02-25 17:55:28 UTC  

And who says you are the one to kill him?

2021-02-25 17:55:47 UTC  

God can make people who don't follow Him do it.

2021-02-25 17:56:05 UTC  

God used pharaoh as an example for the world never to even think about fighting against God.

2021-02-25 17:57:54 UTC  

Right there it says that a man who kills another man must be slain. I think that in that specific context, it would mark him as killable, and it would not be wicked to slay that man by another's hand, but as discussed earlier, it gets a little funky regarding capital punishment in the Bible

2021-02-25 17:58:23 UTC  

It did not say must be slain it says he will be killed

2021-02-25 17:58:24 UTC  

big difference

2021-02-25 18:04:41 UTC  

is there?

2021-02-25 18:05:00 UTC  

"will be killed" imo seems like a demand to kill him

2021-02-25 18:06:06 UTC  


2021-02-25 18:06:12 UTC  

@JDCREW It's a curse not a command

2021-02-25 18:06:38 UTC  

How do you mean?

2021-02-25 18:06:48 UTC  

You believe in curses and blessing correct?

2021-02-25 18:08:07 UTC  

Well imagine if I say this:

2021-02-25 18:08:21 UTC  

"I wish your life was cursed forever and all who see you despise you"

2021-02-25 18:08:37 UTC  

Of course i'd never want to say such a thing because I would never curse someone

2021-02-25 18:08:43 UTC  

well yes, but this seems more a command to Noah. part of his covenant with God if I remember correctly. The curses in Genesis are pretty explicit.
In Genesis 9:25-27 we read: “Then he said: ‘Cursed be Canaan ; a servant of servants he shall be to his brethren.’ And he said: ‘Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem , and may Canaan be his servant. May God enlarge Japheth , and may he dwell in the tents of Shem; and may Canaan be his servant.’”

2021-02-25 18:09:12 UTC  

Not all things are worded such a way

2021-02-25 18:09:29 UTC  

Hold on let me find the hebrew

2021-02-25 18:10:41 UTC  

No, but I am of the belief that God would have said "cursed be he who sheds the blood of man" rather than "he who sheds man's blood shall have his blood shed by man"

2021-02-25 18:11:05 UTC  

not in all places got says cursed be

2021-02-25 18:11:16 UTC  

I feel that it clearly says another man must kill he who commits murder

2021-02-25 18:11:19 UTC  

The word is powerful beyond what most people would think

2021-02-25 18:11:42 UTC  

Yes, but who particularly gave YOU the power to kill him?

2021-02-25 18:11:44 UTC  

I understand that, but it is not what I believe is meant from this passage of scripture

2021-02-25 18:12:04 UTC  

God will likely have someone else who is not a Christian kill the murderer

2021-02-25 18:12:12 UTC  

not me particularly, but God says a man who kills will be killed by man

2021-02-25 18:13:13 UTC  

Did he say that? my issue with that reasoning is that it never says "he who kills will be killed by someone without faith"

2021-02-25 18:13:30 UTC  

it says he who kills will be killed by another

2021-02-25 18:13:31 UTC  

So the LORD said to him, “Therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold.” And the LORD [fn]appointed a sign for Cain, so that no one finding him would slay him.
Gen 4:15

2021-02-25 18:13:36 UTC  

God didn't say cursed