Message from @Jwolf

Discord ID: 815445728578502717

2021-02-26 15:19:00 UTC  

I don't have a really strong opinion on the death penalty.

2021-02-26 15:46:40 UTC  

I’m anti death penalty

2021-02-26 15:46:49 UTC  

The state shouldn’t have the ability to kill someone

2021-02-26 18:48:34 UTC  

The death penalty should be a ballot decision. After trial and appeals.

2021-02-26 21:01:24 UTC  

At 5th generation I think there shouldn't be any real chance of complications as long as it hadn't been a thing being done in your family for long periods of time like the royalty used to do. I have a feeling when you start including that far separated it wouldn't be too uncommon for families that aren't close and have fragmented because of disagreements or just if your adopted and don't know your birth families.

2021-02-27 00:04:45 UTC  

My family came from the same region in Scotland and moved to a small fishing village with everyone marrying everyone

2021-02-27 00:04:56 UTC  

I think it happened often

2021-02-27 00:05:19 UTC  

Not 2nd or anything but a small village marrying into itself was most likely common

2021-02-27 00:05:35 UTC  

We also have lots of blue eyed people in the family😂

2021-02-27 01:26:40 UTC  

There is if you do it for enough generations. One or two times it's unlikely to cause problems but eventually any recessive traits where you can be a carrier and have no problems but over time will have a larger and larger chance of a child getting both copies. There are many recessive trait disorders that we rarely see only because of the likelihood of getting both recessive copies. Some example of these diseases are sickle cell, cystic fibrosis, Gaucher disease. However there are other traits like eye color that are recessive that can become common in family lines with inbreading.

2021-02-27 04:42:43 UTC  

If not biological issues, then what else would make incest immoral?

2021-02-27 04:48:00 UTC  

Even religion has to give a reason for their claims

2021-02-27 05:01:48 UTC  

If I may, also, 99% of abortions are completely unrelated to r*pe, insest, and medical reasons, and even in those cases it’s proven time after time to cause a secondary trauma that often victims find worse and more damaging than the initial act, as a child (though it is largely romanticized in fiction) is used as a channel for healing and recuperation. Not surprising the left always fights for the <1% of everything, though.

2021-02-27 05:04:41 UTC  

Another thing I find I keep coming back to, if we normalize the celebration and start hating mourning for abortions, it’s just really a taste of not morning miscarriages, children, humanity as a whole, and as we can see by Cuomo and the near 7000 elderly, as well as the 30,000 Black alone abortions monthly, we’re already treading on such dangerous territory- one in which the literal foundation of our instincts and life is threatened.

2021-02-28 04:19:01 UTC  

Ok, for any who see my poll. I have a point to prove to my liberal co worker. @ me if you would like to discuss my poll with me

2021-02-28 04:28:55 UTC  

Btw, my objective is to prove that conservatives aren’t transphobic like the left says you guys are but you disagree on how we should treat our trans people. The left glorifies them, the right treats them like people and expects them to deal with their own issues, to grow up, and to do something about it.

2021-02-28 04:47:41 UTC  

I mean... it depends on@who was running as the opposition

2021-02-28 04:47:46 UTC  

Lol I’m joking

2021-02-28 04:47:54 UTC  

Maybe I’d vote for the person

2021-02-28 04:49:57 UTC  

Well, she would be right leaning platform knowing I am talking to conservatives here.

2021-02-28 04:50:11 UTC  

So opposition would be democratic

2021-02-28 04:50:19 UTC  

Make your pick

2021-02-28 04:51:00 UTC  

I’m not transphobic

2021-02-28 04:51:46 UTC  

But if they’re pronouns are kitty or panda I might change my mind

2021-02-28 04:52:51 UTC  

A normal tranny( like me) wants she/her. Or a trans man would prefer he/him. It is really that simple

2021-02-28 04:53:24 UTC  

Your transgender?

2021-02-28 04:53:52 UTC  

Yes, kinda why I am the tranny here

2021-02-28 04:55:16 UTC  

But I am reasonable and up for debate.

2021-02-28 04:55:19 UTC  

I didn’t even notice

2021-02-28 05:03:32 UTC  

Also if you disagree, I would love to know why

2021-02-28 05:14:12 UTC  

A damn cactus could run for president and if it was america first I'd still vote for it.

2021-02-28 05:27:37 UTC  


2021-02-28 05:28:25 UTC  

President Cactus, what must we do about the situation of the invaders? “No mercy, use our thorns.”

2021-02-28 05:28:36 UTC  

Someone with gender disphoria is not mentally fit to run for president. Change my mind

2021-02-28 05:29:22 UTC  

I have sympathy for them, and think they are capable people, but not ones that can run America

2021-02-28 05:30:01 UTC  

At least you can defend your viewpoint. Not a bad take.

2021-02-28 05:30:19 UTC  

But I see where you are coming from, it does make sense.

2021-02-28 05:32:25 UTC  

Still more stable than Democrats

2021-02-28 05:32:40 UTC  

Now that, we can agree on

2021-02-28 05:33:24 UTC  

But i give you this question? What if they were stable enough hypothetically?

2021-02-28 05:33:45 UTC  

I really like this take.