Message from @N1br0c

Discord ID: 813225796126769255

2021-02-21 15:32:31 UTC  

Just a ploy for xiden to invade myanmar in the name of saving their "democracy"

2021-02-21 18:32:12 UTC  

Props to @Dank_Furry_Pirate for posting news articles in these sacred halls

2021-02-21 23:21:59 UTC  

yea its pissing in our waters and our sovereignty must be respected. trump never did that. he is even making a trump tower on punta del este (VIP ultra rich beach city the tower is just made by a 3rd party that purchased the trump brand. he promised to come in to inaugurate the tower, then his son since the tower should have been finished by 2019 but workers stealing the gold fixtures has delayed the tower construction and random strikes)

2021-02-21 23:32:45 UTC  

I hope your government would retaliate against USA. It doesnt matter who is in office, intruding in other nation water is the first sign of disrepect

2021-02-22 00:23:17 UTC  

so if the water breaks during sex?

2021-02-22 00:51:47 UTC  

underwater sex is tricky business

2021-02-22 00:57:06 UTC  

just hold it in, it's like a plug in the dam

2021-02-22 01:00:16 UTC

2021-02-22 01:21:32 UTC  

uruguay is a dot on the map. our military after the last military dictatorship ended has less resources than the street cleaners... literally any army can overtake us in less than 20 minutes. we dont have war machinery, hardly any weaponry, the most modern machine guns are from the 1970's and purchased used by other countries so they are 2 hand.
argentina can start a war its big and since its extreme left party can ask help for russia. brazil is right wing atm so no war uless there is no other option. still a nuclear submarine emerging on argentinean waters with british support (a few years ago the faklands/malvinas island wanted to be retaken by argentina, currently populated by peaceful british fishermen and agriculture people that loves to live there, the president now vice president cristina kirschner wanted to take back the island with military personnel. kick all the british people and retake the islands since argentinean explorers where once there like 300 years ago. the british monarchy responded sending an army leaded by prince william with neclear explosives and the queen told to argentina "if a single argentinean military personnel puts a single foot on the faklands island we will start shooting our nuclear missiles to the pink house (goverment argentinean house) and buenos aires (main city) the problem was over in 48 hours.

so no wonder if the british would start the war and USA will need to follow. since now vice-president cristina kirschner considers argentina should try a new run on the malvinas islands to retake them.

2021-02-22 01:31:35 UTC  

yikes. that sucks

2021-02-22 01:31:56 UTC  

so literally rn uruguay couldn't do much aside from swallowing the anger

2021-02-22 01:37:45 UTC  

we depend on USA protection if anyone tries to attack us. if our protector attack us who would protect us???

2021-02-22 01:38:36 UTC  

i get you. there's little uruguay could do now, aside from praying US aren't planning to actually attack

2021-02-22 01:41:02 UTC  

nope that is not a right assesment. we are pissed off that US coast guard came to do excercises without even asking permission to do so. and the left wing people that votes the left wing party (about 49%) just want a left party goverment to retake control so we can ask russia to slave us in exchange to spit on USA face.

2021-02-22 01:42:24 UTC  

which stance are you taking?

2021-02-22 01:43:31 UTC  

i always voted our current president. i am center/right wing. still i am very upset a US president came to piss on our waters just cause.

2021-02-22 01:44:01 UTC  

i mean: yes, the coast guard shouldn't be there doing those exercises without uruguay's permission and you are understandably pissed. but aside from being angry (or ask russia for help), what else could uruguay do?

2021-02-22 01:46:42 UTC  

goto the UN and aside brazil and argentina put a claim that biden send US coastguards ships to do excersises without the proper diplomacy protocols. witch uruguay would never allow. we would never have a president meeting since we dont allow any military prescence that is outside our own.

2021-02-22 01:48:58 UTC  

Honestly y'all could probably ask russia for some spare RPGs. Or just declare yourselves to be a terrorist organization and then the CIA will send cash to you <:KEK:795742276549607456>

Joking aside, I have no idea why anyone, especially the USA, would want to bother Uruguay. The Coast Guard ship incident is just another on a long list of reasons to hate biden. Our military is supposed to be fucking professional, not the bully of relatively defenseless countries.

2021-02-22 01:51:53 UTC  

the "excuse" was that apparently here on latin america we allow agressive fishing (our fishing company on uruguay that did frozen fish closed down in 2015 due of lack of fish) and biden wants now to come and regulate fishing... on latin american waters (uruguay,argentina, brazil etc)

2021-02-22 01:53:14 UTC  

<:Flooshed:797578663083769916> because apparently being the dictator of america wasn't enough. Gotta make sure them other sovereign entities ain't *fishin too hard*

2021-02-22 01:54:40 UTC  

once all countries demanded the ships to go out of our juridisdiction they move a bit to international waters but biden seems to believe international waters = USA waters

2021-02-22 02:00:07 UTC  

funny bit: argentina is on a default economy it cannot save itself. now after venezuela they are the most poor country. a country that takes about half of latin america, with oil, natural gas, potable water, tons of land to grow vegetables/animals in. no wonder since fernandez president created a rich tax that takes 12% of your money by year if you have over 100 million of US dollars and you are argentinean. plus now they put the prices they want on meat and vegetables, and rationate it. as well drown farmers in taxes so keep making vegetables/meat is a worse deal than taking all your money and bet it on the casino.

2021-02-22 02:09:50 UTC  

btw, biden says he wants to put a tax like that in one of his speeches. a tax for rich people like argentina

2021-02-22 02:15:15 UTC  

btw brazil is still burning down the amazonas and indigenous people with it.

2021-02-22 11:02:42 UTC  
2021-02-22 11:03:38 UTC  

not to mention if trump did this dems would cry "omg he is opressing other countries he is going to start a war stop him"

2021-02-22 19:08:27 UTC  

sad, but not surprising. The UN "military" doesn't have the balls to shoot back

2021-02-22 19:23:35 UTC  

its a leftist military. they only shoot back if they see a right wing logo/neonazi symbol. if you are a terrorist and communist you got a free pass

2021-02-22 22:24:04 UTC  

Literally stopped Canada from interfering in the Rwandan genocide.

2021-02-23 01:29:14 UTC  

It looks like Boris is sucking up to the CCP as well, because of course he is.

2021-02-23 08:06:51 UTC
This shit hit hard. Talk about mic drop

2021-02-23 13:34:10 UTC  

Name ONE good thing china has done that they did not benefit from. I have yet to hear someone give an example.

2021-02-23 14:09:46 UTC  

Their eventual downfall

2021-02-23 16:06:34 UTC  

i don't know aboot that. they will have a downfall *eventually*. but remember china has ran many long-lasting dynasty and perfected the art of controlling people

2021-02-23 16:07:29 UTC  

I'm just memeing dude I don't really think it'll happen but if it does it will benefit everyone else besides china