Discord ID: 812888695455350805

2021-02-20 22:29:13 UTC  

Fair point, its just idk if we should continue relying on trump as our guy and should think about the future and who will be a good replacement for trump if he decides not to run in 2024

2021-02-20 22:43:12 UTC  

You might as well kiss 2022 and after goodbye if this isnt fixed now. Congress is planning on passing mandated Democrat favored election bills if not

2021-02-20 22:45:02 UTC  

and its useless even with Trump in office to beat the machines, even harder with dems running it

2021-02-20 22:45:12 UTC  

Yeah id like 2 see them try, didnt do jack back in 2008-2010 with a unified government expect obamacare and even then got crushed as a result in the midterms.

2021-02-20 22:47:01 UTC  

That's why this entire fraud election process needs fixed now. It doesnt have anything to do with trump being in office

2021-02-20 22:47:28 UTC  

I was saying even with Trump in office they were able to rig it

2021-02-20 22:47:53 UTC  

We know now with evidence to back up our claims

2021-02-20 22:48:10 UTC  

Weve said it for years without proof though

2021-02-20 22:50:16 UTC  

Well we need to start from the bottom up, local and state legislatures are more essential to us than federal being they are the branches that determine election laws on the state level, we have the majorities in most of the contested states yet the rinos held us back from getting actual justice.

2021-02-20 22:53:10 UTC  

Exactly, get involved when and where you can. This is the awakening we all need. It is turning in our favor but we need to work to help it

2021-02-20 23:05:50 UTC JESUS CHRIST. They are trying to shut down an independent country by shutting down all news in Australia, they even shut down several government agencies that were spreading info on Covid.

2021-02-21 02:19:38 UTC  

Say what you want about how the next elections will go, I'm not calling anything and neither should yall. We will just have to see how the states will handle their election laws and whatnot over the course of this and next year.

2021-02-21 02:29:04 UTC  

The Democrats will cheat obviously, but will it be on the level of the last election? Hell no.

2021-02-21 02:52:03 UTC  


2021-02-21 02:52:30 UTC  

i'm not calling anything now either. as it gets closer to the election, patterns will become more clear

2021-02-21 03:07:45 UTC  

Exactly what I'm saying. 👍

2021-02-21 03:09:29 UTC  

Make use of life right now and wait until then. This is not ment to offend.<:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-21 03:28:15 UTC  

just look for the number of riots in the general area needing an election to happen soon

2021-02-21 03:28:48 UTC  

also look at all past election cycles to see what has transpired leading up to those elections

2021-02-21 03:29:28 UTC  

in local events as well as global events that effect the nation having the election in some way

2021-02-21 03:44:53 UTC  

Well lads, it looks like Feudalism is officially making a comeback.

2021-02-21 03:46:20 UTC  

well it gives u reason to disable the poor section's bathroom so u can fart sweet wetones at biz class ppl on ur way to their bathroom

2021-02-21 11:55:44 UTC  


2021-02-21 11:55:50 UTC  

In anticipation of this unprecedented power demand, Texas could have maxed out power generation. However, they couldn’t. Like a lowly beggar, Texas had to first ask for permission from the federal government to generate enough power to keep our people warm. Why? Because cranking up the power plants to full production might violate federal pollution limits.

2021-02-21 11:56:29 UTC  

Im ok with it to save lives

2021-02-21 11:56:51 UTC  

a little more Pollution for a little wouldnt be the worst thing

2021-02-21 17:36:01 UTC  

In slightly less government news, if someone tries to force you to apologize for 'problematic behavior' simply do this:
-Start out with "I am here to apologize today."
-Begin talking about the topic people are offended by.
-Break off into a tangent.
-Never actually apologize for anything.
-End by saying "It's time to unite and heal."

2021-02-21 20:21:10 UTC  

Here is the problem with this logic, a lot of the people fleeing these cities are just going to bring their politics with them.

2021-02-21 20:38:13 UTC  
2021-02-21 20:40:05 UTC  

Not sure what channel this would go under...

2021-02-21 23:06:50 UTC  

To a Degree, but here is the thing. People are more irrational the more of them that group together. They get lost in group identitys more than themselves. Cities ALWAYS have the dumbest people because they have people to lean on. When your nearest neighbor is half a mile away, you may be liberal, but if your gonna survive you at least have to be competent.