Message from @Sith_Emperor

Discord ID: 811813118060920832

2021-02-17 16:17:22 UTC  

Thoughts? This personally pisses me of for multiple reasons.

2021-02-17 16:22:09 UTC  

Please tell me that's a deepfake

2021-02-17 16:25:49 UTC  

Like I said a couple days ago, it's truly incredible stuff from out news providers

2021-02-17 16:27:41 UTC  

deep fake software to make ppl look like cats, ppl with rubber masks that look so life like...and plenty of hollywood style special makeup effects out there already

2021-02-17 19:11:54 UTC  

Ah yes, Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing.

2021-02-17 19:43:47 UTC  

So I looked it up, and that article is real.

2021-02-17 20:02:29 UTC  

That is horrible

2021-02-17 20:31:17 UTC  

they trying to make him out to be a relatable president that is "lit" with the in crowd smh

2021-02-17 20:31:35 UTC  

and ignoring all the bad policies

2021-02-17 21:27:11 UTC  

Friendly reminder that this is Main Stream Media

2021-02-17 21:33:53 UTC  


2021-02-17 21:43:34 UTC  

Thats the most journalisming to have ever Journalismed

2021-02-17 22:00:13 UTC  

amazing! such important things they're covering in the news these days

2021-02-18 01:01:28 UTC  

Did you know that actually italians such as Luigi and Mario add to a systemic racism towards black people as first, they have white mayonaise skin, and B black people tend to make less money generally than white families that doesn't allow them to enjoy playing video games and feel safe from racist police who are always shooting at them.

2021-02-18 01:01:35 UTC  

#Mario is racist

2021-02-18 01:09:29 UTC  

I lost brain cells reading that.

2021-02-18 01:32:10 UTC  

They make fun of Trump for allegedly golfing, I make fun of Biden for wasting time with video games when he's supposed to be president-ing.

2021-02-18 01:52:17 UTC  

at least trump is doing exercise

2021-02-18 03:55:08 UTC  

its mental excise for Biden lmao

2021-02-18 04:10:54 UTC
A life for a life is a good thing
Secondly I’d rather see a murder be executed rather than life in prison to they die and live off prison cantina and such.. and have tv and work detail privileges .
Thirdly if you want something quick and humane hanging is that. When it’s done right your dead rather quickly it just takes time for your heart to finally stop which is why we can transplant them.

2021-02-18 04:15:30 UTC  

when your spinal cord is severed you’re practically dead.. your heart just goes on by itself for some time which is why the Brits left you there for an hour prior to removing your body. If you want to see a good way of how our system should work via executions the Brits are a great example of that. Everything they did was to be as quick, clean, and painless as possible. The condemned cell was secretly right next to the gallows (which was in another room hidden by a fake wall), they didn’t give you any last words so by the time the executioner came into your cell and to the time of the door being opened and you through it was generally 10 or so seconds. 10 Rillington place is a 1970 movie with John hurt which shows how that worked rather well.

2021-02-18 04:15:56 UTC  

As someone who helped a friend write a pro death penalty argumentative paper I learned more than I ever cared to lol.

2021-02-18 04:16:47 UTC  

So human rights groups can kiss my ass lol. Instead of worrying about someone who did something awful they should look at China and their reduction camps and among other things and North Korea.

2021-02-18 04:45:48 UTC  

A few good public hangings would scare these terrorists into order...

2021-02-18 04:46:30 UTC  


2021-02-18 04:46:47 UTC  

I personally don’t care if they screw then up especially on ANTFIA.

2021-02-18 04:47:00 UTC  

Secondly it would show people what happens when they go down that road.

2021-02-18 04:48:05 UTC  

The Brits for example looked at every other means that existed in the 1950s-1960s for a replacement they chose to stick with hangings because they saw it as the superior choice.. a nation which had the death sentence down to a science and perfection.

2021-02-18 04:49:03 UTC  

@N1br0c the journalists who watched Campbell’s hanging in Washington state in the 1990s said it was quick and humane you can watch the press stuff on YouTube

2021-02-18 04:49:38 UTC  

@N1br0c knowing how soft the left is they’d fall into line while screaming whatever but they’d fall into line and not be terrorist.

2021-02-18 04:50:05 UTC  

If they cannot handle being arrested I’m sure as hell they couldn’t handle being forced to watch a hanging.

2021-02-18 06:56:01 UTC  

If crime goes unpunished, the incentive to not commit a crime drops through the floor.

2021-02-18 23:48:07 UTC  

i wouldnt say that if i were you

2021-02-18 23:55:10 UTC  

string 'em up

2021-02-18 23:55:36 UTC  

**Make them twitch.**

2021-02-18 23:56:13 UTC  

Pretty sure saying that isnt a good idea...

2021-02-18 23:56:35 UTC  

pretty sure idgaf

2021-02-18 23:57:09 UTC  

also apparently you don't like Christmas lights?

2021-02-18 23:57:17 UTC  

Chill im not attacking you im saying that the lefties are heavily moderating everything and you could get banned

2021-02-18 23:57:18 UTC  


2021-02-18 23:57:56 UTC  

everyone knows I'm talking about ~~politicians~~ lights