Message from @VelvelaGoddess

Discord ID: 812867063814946816

2021-02-19 19:40:57 UTC  


2021-02-19 19:41:51 UTC  

Mold is also a problem for their coup sometimes

2021-02-19 19:41:55 UTC  

the package normally gives u the concentration levels u need for areas to be cleaned/disinfected ...and how much per gallon or metric ton of water u plan to use

2021-02-19 19:42:58 UTC  

Weve put their coup in our garage for the winter for how cold it is over a tarp and installed a heater inside

2021-02-19 19:43:35 UTC  

But yeah its something we need to do

2021-02-19 19:43:52 UTC  

Haven't disinfected it or anything like that in a few months

2021-02-20 21:55:23 UTC  

Here’s a story! Indiana’s legislature is putting through a school choice bill! For those of you that get mad when somewhat political good stuff is put in here, please don’t be mad at me. I’m just really excited about this since it will help me, a homeschooler and I see this as progress that hopefully other states will follow. I’m really excited! 😁

2021-02-20 21:57:37 UTC  

It is also really funny to me because now former superintendents and public school leaders are ticked. Some lawmakers are calling it dangerous and I’m literally laughing this is soooo funny. Goodness gracious, I love Indiana.

2021-02-20 22:28:41 UTC  

I don't think that School Choice is political, atleast it shouldn't be, if anything it fits this room perfectly

2021-02-20 22:40:55 UTC  

I agree! I’m really excited to see what this does for my state. Usually I go to public school but this year I’ve been homeschooled. I’m excited to see the public schools shape up and get competitive once I go back.

2021-02-20 22:43:02 UTC  

I was really nervous some people in the channel might get mad at me. I get people like to get away from politics, I have to do that a lot so I don’t lose my mind, but I really thought this could make some people happy since like you said, it isn’t very political.

2021-02-21 01:18:33 UTC  

What does it do? I’m mildly interested as I am a Hoosier as well.

2021-02-21 01:24:02 UTC  

@SPRTNWRRYR1974 Besides tick off public school teachers, it makes it easier for students to attend private schools and to homeschool. That means the public schools have to be more competitive, which will fix the schools especially in Indianapolis. It is a voucher system so parents can spend money on tuition, uniforms, and supplies and are barred from using the money on things not related to school, which is a very good thing. It also helps foster children, children with disabilities, and children who have parents in the armed forces.

2021-02-21 01:28:42 UTC  

Usually I attend public schools, so you’d think I’d want more money to go to the public schools instead of going where the students go, but I truly believe it will make the public schools shape up and be more competitive since private schools and homeschooling is more accessible to students. I’m voting in a few years, and I’m certainly going to see which state senators and representatives support this. They’ll have my vote in the future.

2021-02-21 01:36:01 UTC  

Indiana lawmakers push for school choice, voucher expansion | News |

A lot of articles are negative about it, but this is a pretty good one. I even think the quotes from people who oppose it actually support it- one person said that every dollar going to private schools should’ve gone to public schools, which I consider a good thing. Make the public schools miss those dollars so they work to improve to earn that money by making students and families want to enroll in their schools. It’s the only way to improve the crappy Indianapolis schools.

2021-02-21 01:39:43 UTC  

People sometimes do more with less.

2021-02-21 01:39:47 UTC  

Like Marines.

2021-02-21 01:49:33 UTC  

It’s basically capitalism for schools and I’m here for it

2021-02-21 02:03:30 UTC  

Hey that is really good news 👍
More and more people want their kids to be in private school or homeschooled

2021-02-21 02:03:50 UTC  

I’m hyped!

2021-02-21 06:05:58 UTC  

That sounds great!

2021-02-21 07:38:16 UTC  


2021-02-21 18:06:41 UTC  

This will also help to ensure that the schools teach what the PARENTS think the students should be taught. Since the vast majority of Parents are actually centrists, this means that if the schools insist on teaching "woke" garbage, they probably won't have very many students. It should go a good distance in getting the schools back on track.

2021-02-21 18:47:10 UTC  

Exactly! Once I had a teacher start talking about how terrible Republicans were to the environment and I felt extremely uncomfortable. Teachers can get away with that kind of stuff. However, if they have to be good teachers to get students, then they simply can’t try to indoctrinate us kids. I wouldn’t even want a Republican teacher really. I just want a teacher who teaches us what we need to know, if they tackle debatable things like in history they cover both sides, and maybe a teacher who allows gum.

2021-02-21 20:26:24 UTC  

If you have a Democrat teacher they won't do that, if you have a Republican teacher then they should know not to teach their beliefs in class and only teach what's supposed to be taught. Democrats can't do that apparently. Independents might fall to one side and teach that, but I may be wrong. You do make a good point though.

2021-02-21 20:32:58 UTC  

It’s all about making schools more competitive so then they have to shape up. The whole thing with my dem teacher was really annoying because he was a nice dude who suddenly got soo political. Honestly though it’s not even politics in the classroom that’s the main problem. The biggest problem here in Indiana is that the Indianapolis public schools are failing schools where half the students drop out and drugs are everywhere. They’ve tried for years to dump money into the Indy schools to no avail. Making private schools and homeschooling more available will make the schools have to get better. I had a buddy who went to an Indianapolis public school who told me all about the fights and vaping. This was surprising to me, a public schooler in a different county. My school had only one real fight so far that year while my buddy described frequent fights. But anyway yeah, they may still get political but I think school choice will lower the drop out rates, drugs, and violence.

2021-02-21 20:45:34 UTC  

Yeah that's understandable for sure. I live in a very Conservative county in NC near Boone and its amazing not having any Liberal and BLM crap here. Over 75% if my county is Republican and I'm very proud of it. In regards for school though, there don't seem to be much Democrat teachers here. I'm in chorus and the director of it is a black BLM supporting Democrat, but as far left as you think he is. Hes a good guy and doesn't really ever like to bring up politics in class at all. My school is good with having a lot of Republicans here and I love it. One of my buds on the football team who is in the class next to me for 3rd period told me how there was a girl in the class and 2 of her friends that started to have a minor breakdown after the teacher was trying to inform the class if how the whole Impeachment stuff about Trump was BS and then my bud and others started arguing about all of it. Basically stuff was getting heated in there and I could here it because I sit right beside the wall. But yeah I see exactly what you mean by all that.

2021-02-21 21:01:16 UTC  

I envy you lol. It’s funny because I live in a red state and red part of the state, yet my school, which is good with how it deals with drugs, violence and drop out rates, is still really liberal. I know how blessed I am to go to a good school but seriously, if you know your teachers political party then it is always democrat. The good thing is that many teachers can keep their opinions to themselves. It’s just always been so weird how red our area is and how liberal the teachers and school board are. Our neighbors have a sign saying “Support public education” which is hilarious to me, they also have a BLM sign (which must mean they are better people than we are) and one of them is a teacher. The teachers also coordinated to miss a day of school and go to the statehouse to ask for raises... but they’re among the highest paid teachers in the state. I got to miss a day of school which was nice but these are literally the people teaching me. I’m glad my parents talked to me about politics and our beliefs.

2021-02-21 21:59:16 UTC  

Johns Hopkins expert says COVID-19 pandemic could end by April

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2021-02-21 22:05:43 UTC  


2021-02-22 01:52:13 UTC  

It'll end when people stop worrying about it.

2021-02-22 01:57:32 UTC  

homeschool gang <:ExcitedPepe:781198443665424424>

2021-02-22 01:59:27 UTC  

@bigalexgaming haha yeah! Except I kinda stink at homeschooling but Homeschool gang! <:ExcitedPepe:781198443665424424>

2021-02-22 01:59:49 UTC  

oh, you do? that sucks

2021-02-22 02:04:19 UTC  

@bigalexgaming I’ve only been homeschooled this past year and it’s really hard to get my work done, which is something I’ve never struggled with before. It’s just kinda difficult and I’m not used to it

2021-02-22 02:06:53 UTC  

huh. interesting... i hear that from some new homeschoolers periodically.

2021-02-22 02:07:40 UTC  

As for myself, ive always been homeschooled. I've never really known anything different, but i feel a bit weird about the fact that i enjoy school.

2021-02-22 02:07:53 UTC  

I get a weird sense of enjoyment from studying history... its odd.