Message from @FootballNinja_HM (EST)

Discord ID: 812409139564904488

2021-02-19 19:34:41 UTC  

Me and my dad would have to use a very strong pesticide and put it all in our yard just to get rid of em

2021-02-19 19:35:14 UTC  

Stronger than any kind of bleach ive ever smelled

2021-02-19 19:36:47 UTC  

if ur gonna bomb, i'd suggest using chlorine dioxide.....besides killing the bugs, it takes out mold and mildue..and basically disinfects the house(just remove urself and pets while doing it)....easy to setup

2021-02-19 19:37:01 UTC  


2021-02-19 19:37:12 UTC  

it comes in tablet form(well the one i use) ...and just needs water

2021-02-19 19:37:24 UTC  

Weve gotten over that problem for years now

2021-02-19 19:38:00 UTC  

well the waste solution after setting off the bombs can be used for up to 2 weeks on house cleaning, laundry and disinfecting

2021-02-19 19:38:06 UTC  


2021-02-19 19:38:19 UTC  

also cleans water of parasites too

2021-02-19 19:38:32 UTC  

and most mammals ...

2021-02-19 19:38:51 UTC  

I'll keep that in mind I'll probably use that

2021-02-19 19:39:40 UTC  

Might be useful for my chickens with all their waste in our yard

2021-02-19 19:40:32 UTC  

well theres concentration blends u can do for area spraying

2021-02-19 19:40:43 UTC  

Me and my dad are planning on letting it stay and during the summer and spring have the grass get fertilized hopefully

2021-02-19 19:40:52 UTC  

for like how much chemical per gallons of water

2021-02-19 19:40:57 UTC  


2021-02-19 19:41:51 UTC  

Mold is also a problem for their coup sometimes

2021-02-19 19:41:55 UTC  

the package normally gives u the concentration levels u need for areas to be cleaned/disinfected ...and how much per gallon or metric ton of water u plan to use

2021-02-19 19:42:58 UTC  

Weve put their coup in our garage for the winter for how cold it is over a tarp and installed a heater inside

2021-02-19 19:43:35 UTC  

But yeah its something we need to do

2021-02-19 19:43:52 UTC  

Haven't disinfected it or anything like that in a few months

2021-02-20 21:55:23 UTC  

Here’s a story! Indiana’s legislature is putting through a school choice bill! For those of you that get mad when somewhat political good stuff is put in here, please don’t be mad at me. I’m just really excited about this since it will help me, a homeschooler and I see this as progress that hopefully other states will follow. I’m really excited! 😁

2021-02-20 21:57:37 UTC  

It is also really funny to me because now former superintendents and public school leaders are ticked. Some lawmakers are calling it dangerous and I’m literally laughing this is soooo funny. Goodness gracious, I love Indiana.

2021-02-20 22:28:41 UTC  

I don't think that School Choice is political, atleast it shouldn't be, if anything it fits this room perfectly

2021-02-20 22:40:55 UTC  

I agree! I’m really excited to see what this does for my state. Usually I go to public school but this year I’ve been homeschooled. I’m excited to see the public schools shape up and get competitive once I go back.

2021-02-20 22:43:02 UTC  

I was really nervous some people in the channel might get mad at me. I get people like to get away from politics, I have to do that a lot so I don’t lose my mind, but I really thought this could make some people happy since like you said, it isn’t very political.

2021-02-21 01:18:33 UTC  

What does it do? I’m mildly interested as I am a Hoosier as well.

2021-02-21 01:24:02 UTC  

@SPRTNWRRYR1974 Besides tick off public school teachers, it makes it easier for students to attend private schools and to homeschool. That means the public schools have to be more competitive, which will fix the schools especially in Indianapolis. It is a voucher system so parents can spend money on tuition, uniforms, and supplies and are barred from using the money on things not related to school, which is a very good thing. It also helps foster children, children with disabilities, and children who have parents in the armed forces.

2021-02-21 01:28:42 UTC  

Usually I attend public schools, so you’d think I’d want more money to go to the public schools instead of going where the students go, but I truly believe it will make the public schools shape up and be more competitive since private schools and homeschooling is more accessible to students. I’m voting in a few years, and I’m certainly going to see which state senators and representatives support this. They’ll have my vote in the future.

2021-02-21 01:36:01 UTC  

Indiana lawmakers push for school choice, voucher expansion | News |

A lot of articles are negative about it, but this is a pretty good one. I even think the quotes from people who oppose it actually support it- one person said that every dollar going to private schools should’ve gone to public schools, which I consider a good thing. Make the public schools miss those dollars so they work to improve to earn that money by making students and families want to enroll in their schools. It’s the only way to improve the crappy Indianapolis schools.

2021-02-21 01:39:43 UTC  

People sometimes do more with less.

2021-02-21 01:39:47 UTC  

Like Marines.

2021-02-21 01:49:33 UTC  

It’s basically capitalism for schools and I’m here for it

2021-02-21 02:03:30 UTC  

Hey that is really good news 👍
More and more people want their kids to be in private school or homeschooled

2021-02-21 02:03:50 UTC  

I’m hyped!

2021-02-21 06:05:58 UTC  

That sounds great!

2021-02-21 07:38:16 UTC  


2021-02-21 18:06:41 UTC  

This will also help to ensure that the schools teach what the PARENTS think the students should be taught. Since the vast majority of Parents are actually centrists, this means that if the schools insist on teaching "woke" garbage, they probably won't have very many students. It should go a good distance in getting the schools back on track.

2021-02-21 18:47:10 UTC  

Exactly! Once I had a teacher start talking about how terrible Republicans were to the environment and I felt extremely uncomfortable. Teachers can get away with that kind of stuff. However, if they have to be good teachers to get students, then they simply can’t try to indoctrinate us kids. I wouldn’t even want a Republican teacher really. I just want a teacher who teaches us what we need to know, if they tackle debatable things like in history they cover both sides, and maybe a teacher who allows gum.