Message from @makki

Discord ID: 814003900276277263

2021-02-24 05:15:35 UTC  

I'm a tourist at the end of the world. Destination: Jeb Site-19. Closest real Jeb Foundation installation, only makes sense. I'm getting some answers. RECORDED FILE 0001-1

Context: Encounter with Jeb Foundation elements a few days after leaving my shelter. Watching weird behavior
(Viewing a group of Jeb Foundation soldiers in a clearing from a distance - nine in total, stood in a line. A tenth soldier, the Commander, is silently pacing back and forth in front of them. Uniforms and insignia look like those of JTF Epsilon-6 ("Servant Idiots"). After a few seconds, the Commander claps her hands once and steps towards the line.)
Commander: (to first soldier in line) Performing the check now.

Soldier #1: Of course. (The Commander takes out a knife and stabs the soldier in the shoulder. There is no reaction.)

Commander: (removing knife) Get that wound treated.

(The soldier nods. The Commander proceeds to stab each soldier in the line in the same way, with no reaction from any of the victims, until the eighth, who noticeably winces Soldier #8: Argh!

2021-02-24 05:16:02 UTC  

"Ajax.... I have a confession to make" Rex added.

2021-02-24 05:16:09 UTC  

"Ah, which confession, Rex?" Ajax also added. "Is it... you're rich, or is it something else, hmm?"

2021-02-24 05:16:27 UTC  

Thank you! I tried, lol. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

2021-02-24 05:16:44 UTC  

Now read mine aa

2021-02-24 05:17:01 UTC  

"Uhm, a different type of confession, Ajax..." Rex was indeed shy.

2021-02-24 05:17:06 UTC  

I am lol

2021-02-24 05:17:51 UTC  

"Ooh, tell me, tell me!!!" Ajax was excited, very excited to hear about Rex's so-called "Confession"

2021-02-24 05:18:17 UTC  

(man this is going to be soo good)

2021-02-24 05:18:24 UTC  

I like the concept, but I'm kind of confused at the conversation pieces afterwards. Also, I'm busy writing my next bit for the story. I've skipped ahead a little, but I think this teaser will give something to look forward to.

2021-02-24 05:18:31 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:18:34 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:18:49 UTC

2021-02-24 05:19:59 UTC  

Something initially written for Sgt. Barkley for his birthday, and by popular demand I have kept going with it.

2021-02-24 05:20:03 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:20:03 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:20:15 UTC  

Now do a critique of mine

2021-02-24 05:20:17 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:20:38 UTC  

Hold on, gimme a minute.

2021-02-24 05:20:45 UTC  

I like the interactions but am a bit lost on who is who. Maybe adding some visual description to each of the people; introduce them through their position in the room?

2021-02-24 05:20:53 UTC  

The "confession" would be great

2021-02-24 05:20:54 UTC  

on this I mean

2021-02-24 05:21:02 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:21:05 UTC  

Is the confession a gay love confession?

2021-02-24 05:21:13 UTC  

spoilers bro

2021-02-24 05:21:16 UTC  

<:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-24 05:21:18 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:21:38 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:21:40 UTC  

definitely avoid that in the beginning; it feels like we just met the characters

2021-02-24 05:21:45 UTC  

95% possible

2021-02-24 05:21:47 UTC  

<:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-24 05:21:52 UTC  

5% not

2021-02-24 05:21:54 UTC  

unless the story starts with that, a la Crazy Rich Asians

2021-02-24 05:21:59 UTC  


2021-02-24 05:22:11 UTC  

94-95% possible

2021-02-24 05:22:15 UTC  

<:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-24 05:22:38 UTC  

I'd have the relationship be pre-existing in that case. At least have them be friends perhaps? I can't imagine going over to someone's house on a first meeting

2021-02-24 05:22:39 UTC  

Summary: There is this one dude pretending to be broke and realized he was rich

2021-02-24 05:22:45 UTC  

Yep sure

2021-02-24 05:22:50 UTC  

Thats the friend stage <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-24 05:23:00 UTC  

Yah ill do it on my notepad