Message from @MrFusion

Discord ID: 814678482607931433

2021-02-26 00:33:56 UTC  

I pray that God will bless the lot of us.

2021-02-26 00:44:56 UTC  

England is my city

2021-02-26 00:51:03 UTC  

This conversation seems a little extreme

2021-02-26 01:50:22 UTC  

No one deserves to be raped. Sometimes god allows it to bring about something even better, but to think that a person is given suffering just because they are not following gods plan is probably an idea created by the “prosperity” Christians, and is just ignorant of the whole message of Christ. God allows rain to fall upon the just and the unjust.

2021-02-26 01:53:41 UTC  

As a Catholic I tend to think that suffering is an important part of our journey to Christ. Suffering brings you closer to God. It teaches you to be selfless and to appreciate the good things in life. We can offer our sufferings for the sake of others. That’s just my point of view

2021-02-26 01:54:11 UTC  

As I am the same for you, I don’t think rape applies in this case

2021-02-26 01:54:11 UTC  

Yes there is always an opportunity in suffering

2021-02-26 01:54:22 UTC  

Maybe you weren’t referencing that

2021-02-26 01:55:18 UTC  

Sorry I didn’t read back the whole conversation

2021-02-26 01:55:39 UTC  

That’s what I was just typing too

2021-02-26 01:56:23 UTC  

Originally u were talking about self defense right? Like way earlier I thought that’s how this convo got started

2021-02-26 01:56:38 UTC  

I believe that was it

2021-02-26 01:56:47 UTC  

One guy was really extreme

2021-02-26 01:57:26 UTC  

I agreed with him on a general sense (pro self-defense) but he went off the rails

2021-02-26 01:58:19 UTC  

Yes I noticed. Very interesting to see different ppls ideas even if I don’t understand them. I just dont feel I’m equipped enough to argue my thoughts

2021-02-26 01:58:44 UTC  

Seems like such a simple topic 🤦‍♀️

2021-02-26 01:58:45 UTC  

You should, most of the time you need to defend your beliefs

2021-02-26 01:58:50 UTC  

It’s not always easy

2021-02-26 02:00:19 UTC  

I don’t know that God necessarily has a hand in every detail. I believe He allows things to happen but is not specifically putting cancer cells in people or giving a murderer the drive to kill someone. I think He just allows for it to potentially happen. It’s free will

2021-02-26 02:01:20 UTC  

I just feel I don’t know how to voice what I want to say or I might confuse ppl. But I really do love conversations like this

2021-02-26 02:01:26 UTC  

I agree, I feel that God is quite passive in life, he doesn’t seem to interfere with life as much as he did. He helps but not as majorly or in numbers as he did in the past

2021-02-26 02:02:04 UTC  

To start, never have negative thoughts like that. It usually causes you to never succeed in that subject

2021-02-26 02:02:40 UTC  

Well I’m glad u understood me just fine 😊

2021-02-26 02:02:57 UTC  

No the older I get the more I believe EVERYTHING is providential. Down to the last hair on your head (or cell in your body)

2021-02-26 02:03:00 UTC  

It wasn’t that hard, you are quite clear when you talk

2021-02-26 02:03:17 UTC  

Thank you!

2021-02-26 02:03:59 UTC  

It’s just hard to FEEL like He knows, but he does

2021-02-26 02:04:20 UTC  

Since we’re on the subject of how much is part of a specific plan I’d like to pose a question that I’ve been thinking about a while

2021-02-26 02:04:30 UTC  


2021-02-26 02:06:17 UTC  

I’m all ears

2021-02-26 02:06:17 UTC  

I can see that good can come from suffering. A person can learn and grow from it. Especially if that person is in a dark place. But what I cannot understand is why completely innocent unborn babies, born babies, and children should ever have to suffer

2021-02-26 02:06:40 UTC  

They are people too

2021-02-26 02:07:06 UTC  

A baby can’t even understand why it’s happening or have anything to gain or learn ):

2021-02-26 02:07:31 UTC  

It just seems like the greatest evil to do harm to an innocent baby

2021-02-26 02:07:35 UTC  

Not through the mind, but their soul is aware and present

2021-02-26 02:07:48 UTC  

Well, this is due to sin, pain comes directly from the fall of man. It personally hurst God when things like that happen. So that’s why we must combat things like abortion

2021-02-26 02:08:08 UTC  

In fact, they have to gain the greatest graces, since they are completely and utterly abandoned to Gods will

2021-02-26 02:08:17 UTC  


2021-02-26 02:08:20 UTC  

But still

2021-02-26 02:08:40 UTC  

Still it is the greatest abomination to God and a condemnation to us all

2021-02-26 02:08:40 UTC  

So is it possible that any good could ever come from bringing harm to a baby? It doesn’t seem so