Message from @Mercy

Discord ID: 815069952821166121

2021-02-27 03:48:57 UTC  

does that mean it wasn't inspired by the holy spirit?

2021-02-27 03:50:01 UTC  

No doubt the bible is inspired. We know this much.

2021-02-27 03:51:02 UTC  

by what standard is something given the same weight as the Bible though?

2021-02-27 03:51:05 UTC  

It means historians, preachers and scholars came together and looked at everything, looked at what lined up, and what didnt and decided which ones worked so they put the inspired books in the new testament and the rest in the catholic church.

2021-02-27 03:51:40 UTC  

I meant that, if we dig deeper into the early Christians...they didn't operate on what we call the bible these days. They rolled with something called the "didache". @Supertonesfan91

2021-02-27 03:51:48 UTC  

I know that.

2021-02-27 03:52:40 UTC  

The Bible is the Word. But just as the Jews had the Torah AND oral tradition passed down from generation to generation, so the church has the Bible and tradition.

2021-02-27 03:52:52 UTC  

they had the Tanach

2021-02-27 03:53:07 UTC  

Which is the old testament

2021-02-27 03:53:27 UTC  

that was my point.

2021-02-27 03:53:53 UTC  

I feel so much stupider for having to listen to the same answer given each time I asked for Fusion to back up his claim with any actual biblical evidence for these outlandish claims from outside books and sources not recognized its left me rather disappointed.

2021-02-27 03:54:15 UTC  

Im not the one saying the bible supports the claims here.

2021-02-27 03:54:23 UTC  

I think u mean the torah...or the biblical old testament which during the time of Jesus we know it as the "sptuagint". But yeah, they were originally jews before they followed Christ.

2021-02-27 03:54:25 UTC  

Im the one calling them out.

2021-02-27 03:54:26 UTC  

Lol lost some brain cells

2021-02-27 03:55:05 UTC  

the Torah is only the first five books

2021-02-27 03:55:23 UTC  

I see...okay.

2021-02-27 03:55:43 UTC  

The Tanach is the entire Old Testament

2021-02-27 03:55:59 UTC  

Yeah what superstone said

2021-02-27 03:56:05 UTC  

I mean if he pointed to John. 19:23 "And so I say unto you, pray to my momma so she may pray to me on your behalf and I will be more willing to hear your prayer rather than if you just prayed to me in the first place." That would have been a good verse.

2021-02-27 03:57:00 UTC  

or Luke 23:5 "So when you die, if you were not good enough, you will be placed in a waiting room until you have felt really bad about what you did wrong and then you will be let into heaven. Maybe."

2021-02-27 03:58:16 UTC  

Man which bible are u read <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-02-27 03:58:29 UTC  

The Catholic one.

2021-02-27 03:58:45 UTC  


2021-02-27 03:59:38 UTC  

I had the same apprehension, but when u think that they're just dead bodily and their souls are in heaven alive and well. It kinda starts to make sense asking for help to other Christians here on earth and especially the ones that are defacto in heaven.

2021-02-27 04:01:17 UTC  

Jebediah 12:10 "And low, when you go to your gathering, go into a booth and tell an old man all your dirty little secrets so he can take you under the alter and purge your butt of all your sins."

2021-02-27 04:04:26 UTC  

IF you believe that a soul that has no body or mind anymore is able to really do anything for people and somehow inherited gods power to hear prayers aimed at them generally.

2021-02-27 04:04:28 UTC  

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

2021-02-27 04:04:49 UTC  

Lol...i don't think that's even bible. (Jebediah).😆

2021-02-27 04:05:11 UTC  

It's not. He's finally lost it

2021-02-27 04:05:42 UTC  

Gosh I wish people were versed in sarcasm around here.

2021-02-27 04:06:04 UTC  

though I suppose this is more of a satire now that I think about it.

2021-02-27 04:07:24 UTC  

Mercyism 1:1 "many will hear these words, but it will go right over their head, like wind over a bald man."

2021-02-27 04:07:30 UTC  

I don't think anything in the bible is that simple. Hopefully they're alive up there. For sure it isn't necromancy.

2021-02-27 04:07:48 UTC  

Uh no. They are dead.

2021-02-27 04:07:52 UTC  

Thats kind of the point.

2021-02-27 04:07:58 UTC  


2021-02-27 04:08:59 UTC  

be really awkward if you didnt.

2021-02-27 04:09:58 UTC  

I was only implying that those in heaven aren't intercessors or mediators, Jesus is the only mediator.

2021-02-27 04:10:17 UTC  


2021-02-27 04:10:41 UTC  

that was even in a verse "nobody gets to the father except through me."