Message from @Nicotron_Magic

Discord ID: 815385678069628969

2021-02-28 00:16:28 UTC  

Remember how Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, he taught them to pray to God.

2021-02-28 00:17:11 UTC  

Not Abraham or Moses.

2021-02-28 00:18:11 UTC  

Why have you summoned me?

2021-02-28 00:19:17 UTC  

Praying to God can come in many forms. I think that Praying to the saints to intercede for you to our lord is praying to God just indirectly.

2021-02-28 00:20:04 UTC  

But isn't Jesus our only intercessor?

2021-02-28 00:23:37 UTC  

When you say hes our only intersessor what do you mean?

2021-02-28 00:23:38 UTC  

I’ll start commotion, trust me

2021-02-28 00:26:25 UTC  

what about it do you misunderstand?

2021-02-28 00:28:09 UTC  

You mean a intercessor for our salvation to the father?

2021-02-28 00:29:04 UTC  

Yes, but actually, I should have said the Holy Spirit. That would be more accurate in this situation.

2021-02-28 00:29:13 UTC  

my bad.

2021-02-28 00:29:20 UTC  

Your Good

2021-02-28 00:31:35 UTC  

honest question: why should we pray indirectly to God?

2021-02-28 00:32:34 UTC  

why do you not pray directly to God?

2021-02-28 00:35:06 UTC  

Because there have been men and women who have laid down their lives for christ and have forsaken mothers, brothers,fathers, and sisters for the sake of the kingdom of god. And god has rewarded them with certain virtues

2021-02-28 00:37:03 UTC  

If we are truly in Christ, didn't his sacrifice open the veil and give us direct access to God? Is God too busy or not powerful enough to hear and respond to our prayers?

2021-02-28 00:41:49 UTC  

there fore when we pray to the saints we pray to those who have shed their blood for god and have been given these virtues BY GOD and so therefore we ask them to ask god to also give us these virtues

2021-02-28 00:47:32 UTC  

Not sure I follow.

2021-02-28 00:48:46 UTC  

Is that a catholic thing?

2021-02-28 00:50:48 UTC  

It seems like a bit of a leap.

2021-02-28 00:51:34 UTC  

Christ Opened the door for use to be saved. Because before christ is death there was absolutely no way we were gonna go to heaven because he hadent crushed the gates of hades yet and so therefore we coudnt go to heaven. Now since hes made a way for use to go and be with him in the kingdom we have to work our way there to heavenyl heights. So by praying to the saints to intercede for us in the heavenly heights we start to complete our salvation by acquring closeness to those who are in heaven with our lord along with our lord.

2021-02-28 00:52:18 UTC  

I'd also like to know where scripture supports that.

2021-02-28 00:52:50 UTC  

wait what?

2021-02-28 00:53:25 UTC  

@Supertonesfan91 Well i have to go for now but i sent you a friend request and maybe we can talk later. Good debate!

2021-02-28 00:53:46 UTC  

I am orthodox by the way

2021-02-28 00:54:08 UTC  

Gonna need some scriptural support for this statement, "Now since hes made a way for use to go and be with him in the kingdom we have to work our way there to heavenyl heights."

2021-02-28 00:54:50 UTC  

but I guess that can wait if you have to go.

2021-02-28 01:07:53 UTC  

No saints has no power,


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6

2021-02-28 01:09:09 UTC  

Your making saints as idols

2021-02-28 01:19:18 UTC  

How do you know who is a saint and who is not?

2021-02-28 01:45:40 UTC  

from my understanding the saints are all who are in Christ including those alive today, but I'm just a Protestant, I'm not Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox.

2021-02-28 01:49:07 UTC  

I’ll answer you guys in a bit, give me some time

2021-02-28 02:35:07 UTC  

Well, I made an actual logical argument that I spent time on

2021-02-28 03:07:11 UTC  

@MrFusion From what I read there your argument about the Bible sounds like it was made by a Progressive Christian.

2021-02-28 03:08:54 UTC  

Why, because I actually took time to use real world examples and the Bible?

2021-02-28 03:09:07 UTC  

Also, first sentence states I’m Catholic

2021-02-28 03:09:53 UTC  

but you are using the same argument, literally.

2021-02-28 03:10:13 UTC  

Because I had an argument

2021-02-28 03:10:18 UTC  

Plus, how did you like it

2021-02-28 03:10:38 UTC  

Anything you disagree with or find factually false?

2021-02-28 03:12:10 UTC  

Or do you just disagree on the basis that your religion is different than mine