Message from @Scout

Discord ID: 816009651891208232

2021-03-01 02:55:49 UTC  

Oh lmbo I feel dumb I didn't see what you pinged šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜†

2021-03-01 02:56:12 UTC  

it's all good

2021-03-01 02:57:58 UTC  

wasn't Richard Wurmbrand Romanian?

2021-03-01 03:05:35 UTC  

Seems like romanians know what religious oppression looks like...after the age of vlad the impaler, commies took over and really did a number on Christians there (mainly the orthodox).

2021-03-01 03:17:04 UTC  

No lol

2021-03-01 03:17:58 UTC  

Honestly I donā€™t think vlad was that bad with religious people but Iā€™ll look into it, the commies SUCKED though Iā€™ll tell you some stories later, maybe an hour and a half from now

2021-03-01 03:22:33 UTC  

I think legend goes that vlad made his own "forrest" out of the invaders.

2021-03-01 03:30:53 UTC  

We killed are commie leaders thats what my parents told me

2021-03-01 03:33:44 UTC  

Wait Jesus had a Latino brother whaaaat šŸ˜‚

2021-03-01 05:21:03 UTC  

So, new bit of info that may or may not help someone, idk
I struggle with obsessive, invasive thoughts and shameful memories that haunt me most of my waking hours. It's a living nightmare, especially when you work boring eight hour shifts where you stand for around five to six hours a day doing nothing - sleeping to make them go away is no longer an option and I've been coming home more and more depressed as each day goes on. These obsessions usually last a few days and are replaced by new bad memories or insane thoughts that I seemingly have no control over. However, after talking with my mother about it, she recommended I start finding new things to replace the bad memories and thoughts. She offered that memorizing Scripture helped her, but I'm realizing that hymns are what make me calm down despite having diagnosed anxiety issues.

In short, I've had "Still, My Soul Be Still" stuck in my head for the last half hour and it's been much more peaceful than my usual mental attacks.

2021-03-01 05:27:11 UTC  

Side note: it sounds better when sung in church like a hymn that it does on the original recording oddly enough

2021-03-01 05:36:19 UTC  

An extension on that story

2021-03-01 05:36:24 UTC  

Maybe another half an hour

2021-03-01 06:32:00 UTC  

Ok, so, my grandfather was a pastor in communist Romania, he actually knew Richard Wurmbrand. He was one of the pastors who wasnā€™t spying on his own church despite several offers from the government. He taught the Truth and knew some others who did too. My father would often take trips with my grandfather and their family friend to play guitar in the city and after my dad was finished singing and playing guitar my grandfather and their friend would go and share the Gospel. One Sunday my grandmother wouldnā€™t let my dad go cause I think he had chores. My grandfather and their friend left for the city. He had a hit ordered on him and his friend by the government. A huge 18 wheeler rolled over their car plowing the backseat and the passenger seat. Their friend died and my grandfather had pieces of glass stuck in his head that couldnā€™t be removed. The place where my dad would have been sitting was also destroyed

2021-03-01 06:32:36 UTC  

This was one of several hits ordered on my grandfather by the Romanian communist government and he survived all of them

2021-03-01 12:20:08 UTC  

The dark side of communism nobody ever talks about.

2021-03-01 12:26:58 UTC  

If your not part of the unique snowflakes that fall in line and do as your told, the government makes you disappear.

2021-03-01 14:34:13 UTC  

Hi, I suffer from anxiety too. Ask God to ā€œheal your memoryā€, it wonā€™t cure it instantly, but will work long term. If you have had any past relationships where pre-marital sex was involved, you can ask God to ā€œbreak those soul tiesā€. Our souls bind together when those relationships occur, so you need to break those off. You donā€™t have to name the person. Just say ā€œGod I ask that you break any soul ties that are not of your will.ā€ Follow by blessing yourself with the sign of the cross (hand to forehead, heart, and both shoulders, forming a cross over your body)

2021-03-01 17:05:24 UTC  

I wont say soul ties couldnt be a thing, but its certainly a theory.

2021-03-01 18:10:24 UTC  

Ok rq question about the book of Galatians

2021-03-01 18:11:01 UTC  

So when it says that youā€™re neither male or female, is it referring to the soul? Someone I know used that book to defend his point to be trans

2021-03-01 18:11:55 UTC  

Galatians 3:28 to be exact

2021-03-01 18:20:36 UTC  

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christā€™s, then you are Abrahamā€™s offspring, heirs according to promise.
Galatians 3:27ā€­-ā€¬29 ESV

2021-03-01 18:21:04 UTC  
2021-03-01 18:21:59 UTC  

It just means we have one identity

2021-03-01 18:23:18 UTC  

Oh ok

2021-03-01 19:12:06 UTC  

I think it's great we have actual eyewitnesses like urself here to tell ur story. I myself have never seen the true face of communism and what it does to religious beliefs (pastors installed by commies to spy on their own congregation)...we in the usa only hear on the news what u folks have/had to put up with. It gives u a unique insight. When u get a chance, please share more with us. šŸ™

2021-03-01 19:30:53 UTC  

@dastenhero it's great u found solace in the scriptures, as we all go through rough patches. It's also house rules pertaining mental issues, for members to get a more qualified medical expert's oppinion.

2021-03-01 19:44:11 UTC  

Right, I am not a medical doctor. My advice is just about some prayer that has helped me. Of course, one should seek real help from real people.

2021-03-01 20:50:10 UTC  

What is a soul tie?

2021-03-01 21:19:02 UTC  

It's funny you say that, today of all days. Last night, an ex girlfriend came over without calling.

I'd refused to speak to her because of certain circumstances. We'd been boyfriend/girlfriend off an on over the last two years. But month before last, I'd been acting as her boyfriend in every possible emotional way. I was living at her house, I was providing her with emotional support, whenever she needed anything, I would always provide.

And then, she told me that her child's father would be staying at her house, because said father got kicked out of his girlfriend's house for cheating. Said cheating behavior is exactly why my girlfriend had left him in the first place. It was such a normal occurrence that my girlfriend has had to shield her son from this behavior multiple times. He would pick his son up for visits, and leave him at mcdonalds for hours when off having fun times with the latest woman who would buy into his nonsense. This is the man who she was letting live with her.

I wouldn't stand for it. I said we wouldn't be talking any more. And after a month of not talking, she comes over uninvited, to "clear her head." I poked around. I asked if he was being his typical self. She said yes. I asked if she maybe felt if she felt like she had used me in any way. She insisted she had not, that we'd been "Friends with Benefits." That because we had not been officially boyfriend and girlfriend, she had done nothing wrong. And now she's confused as to why I told her to leave and to not call me again. Amazing.

2021-03-01 21:55:37 UTC  

I know. I'm not requesting help, more offering what has recently helped me. Sorry if I stepped outside of boundaries.

2021-03-01 22:07:05 UTC  

Definitions keep changing. For me, respect is a function of character and honor is a function of position. In this cancel culture, honor is completely eliminated. I have zero respect for the president. I honor him though, as hard as that is

2021-03-01 22:13:38 UTC  

I have never heard of a soul tie and I'd have to look into how biblical that is.

2021-03-01 22:16:59 UTC  

@Jenjen Is soul link another term for soul tie?

2021-03-01 22:32:39 UTC  

Thank goodness jesus forgives!

2021-03-01 22:33:31 UTC  

I can also tell you that I do know a pastor who sold out his church

2021-03-01 22:33:46 UTC  

He has changed quite a bit and is actually a good good man

2021-03-01 22:33:53 UTC  

Very Godly from what I know

2021-03-01 23:04:26 UTC  

Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s an ā€œofficialā€ thing. You might could look it up and see. But just a term I heard to be able to put a name to something that I needed Gods help for. Sometimes itā€™s easier to open our hearts to Him when we know the name of what is ailing us.

2021-03-01 23:05:52 UTC  

From what you described and what I looked up, it sounds kinda new age/pagan.