Message from @Space Cowboy

Discord ID: 810256796178448464

2021-02-13 04:34:22 UTC  

I hated MIPS

2021-02-13 04:38:04 UTC  

@DualShock 2 check your dm I shared a file

2021-02-13 19:47:02 UTC  

Hey does anyone have Spanish 1 final study guides or materials? I have to study for my final and I’ll be searching the internet for study materials but I was wondering if you all had anything really good. I also was wondering what exactly might be on the final, like what I can expect.

2021-02-13 19:49:04 UTC  

I think it would be helpful if you could mention what all topic are going to be on the exam @Space Cowboy

2021-02-13 19:51:36 UTC  

@DeButcher thats the thing, I have no idea. I’m homeschooled this year only, and I have to take the final because I’m going to high school next year. I’ve been learning Spanish from Duolingo and a book which is just as bad as it sounds, and Idek what’s on the test. All I know is that I have to get at least a B minus.

2021-02-13 19:52:33 UTC  


2021-02-13 19:52:50 UTC  

No review or anything??

2021-02-13 19:52:56 UTC  

I’m going to be studying like crazy

2021-02-13 19:53:17 UTC  

I’m going to contact the Spanish teacher at my middle school but I haven’t yet

2021-02-13 19:53:23 UTC  

Who is giving you the exam

2021-02-13 19:53:27 UTC  

Ah ok

2021-02-13 19:54:10 UTC  

I have to go to the high school to take it. I’m want to take Spanish 2 next year because of the diploma I’m going for, so I have to score well and actually understand it.

2021-02-13 19:55:39 UTC  

Yeah try to figure what topic are on the exam otherwise you will waste your time studying

2021-02-13 19:59:45 UTC  

Yeah. If I learn vocabulary words that aren’t on it then I might as well be learning a different language.

2021-02-13 20:00:53 UTC  

I’ll likely be asking some questions on here about Spanish grammar and stuff like that, so I hope you all know something about Spanish.

2021-02-13 20:03:21 UTC  

Sorry me no habla espanol 😂

2021-02-13 20:05:40 UTC  


2021-02-13 20:10:46 UTC  

But if anyone has go to websites for Spanish 1 practice resources and tests, or any tips, please @ me!!! I need a B minus or above but screw it I’m going to get a freakin A and I’m not going to settle for less.

2021-02-13 20:42:09 UTC  

well i got quarantined

2021-02-13 20:42:13 UTC  

time to start failing classes

2021-02-13 21:11:14 UTC  

Good luck, buddy

2021-02-13 21:35:30 UTC  

I heard someone asking for aid in spanish? <:Nervous_Monkey:797288817115267082> Im in spanish 3 honors, I would like to be assistance

2021-02-13 21:37:46 UTC  

I remember what was on the final in middle school was something about clothing. We watched a video where girls were discussing clothes and we had to write about what they were talking about

2021-02-13 21:38:26 UTC  

There was also things about food and a balanced meal in spanish

2021-02-13 21:40:54 UTC  

that's all can remember from that test, but I took it two years ago so I dont remember it too well sorry 😅 @Space Cowboy

2021-02-13 21:42:32 UTC  

Trust me, it helps! I have to learn what nouns I need to learn (clothing, food, whatever) and all sorts of other stuff, so it does help lol. I’ve spent the past hour or so just saving resources as bookmarks.

2021-02-13 21:43:25 UTC  

so long as you go over all of what you have learned and all the grammar you know, I think that you are fine. I think that I still have some of my notes from 8th grade, so im going to go find them lol

2021-02-13 21:44:50 UTC  

Thank you SO much! I have hardly any resources from this year since I’ve been homeschooled and no one in my family speaks Spanish. I’ve been trying to look up the standards, find quizlets and youtube videos, find short stories, etc. since I am in so much need of practice.

2021-02-13 21:45:49 UTC  

Did you ever learn a little bit about past tense? I found notes on that and dont remember if it was on the test lol, but there seems to be quite a bit of notes on it in my 8th grade folder

2021-02-13 21:46:47 UTC  

I haven’t learned that and I think I need to, I watched a youtube video that was a review for the final so I would know what I need to study, and that was one of them. I don’t know anything about past tense and I need to

2021-02-13 21:47:03 UTC  

OH I just remembered, yeah you also have to explain family things. I think that you have to read something about somone's family and then answer some multiple choice

2021-02-13 21:47:19 UTC  

You have no idea how helpfuk you are.

2021-02-13 21:47:42 UTC  

So do you mean like knowing grandma, grandpa, cousins, etc. type stuff?

2021-02-13 21:47:51 UTC  

yes, I think so

2021-02-13 21:48:28 UTC  

and know things such as younger, older, cat dog, pets, cousin, all that jazz

2021-02-13 21:48:48 UTC  

also the set up of a house like the basement, kitchen, etc etc

2021-02-13 21:49:34 UTC  

I found a worksheet on the past tenst of -ar verbs, and the endings should work for most of the verbs you know

2021-02-13 21:49:36 UTC

2021-02-13 21:49:50 UTC  

I literally cannot express how thankful I am for your help. You have no idea how nervous I am for this test, I have to get a good grade to get the credits, get into Spanish 2, and work towards my academic honors diploma.

2021-02-13 21:50:17 UTC  

I don’t want to be annoying but can you retake the picture

2021-02-13 21:50:49 UTC  

the test is actually quite easy. I took it in middle school as well and took it as a highschool credit, also yeah, I can retake it, it's is pretty bad lmao