Message from @mikeflarkin

Discord ID: 811996748447875092

2021-02-18 16:17:28 UTC  

Don't torture yourself.

2021-02-18 16:17:36 UTC  

The fact that she got re-elected along with the rest of "thE sqUAd" is just hilarious. And horrifying.

2021-02-18 16:18:07 UTC  

I consider it evidence of low information voters.

2021-02-18 16:18:08 UTC  

What happened gere...

2021-02-18 16:18:11 UTC  


2021-02-18 16:18:24 UTC  

I oversteeped jasmine tea

2021-02-18 16:18:55 UTC  


2021-02-18 16:19:00 UTC  

I should probably just pour it out. Jasmine tea is meh when you make it right. It's awful when oversteeped.

2021-02-18 16:19:04 UTC  

I really, really, really hope my representatives are capable of determing if someone is a cop or a rioter

2021-02-18 16:21:52 UTC  

I'm pretty sure at least one of my reps is capable of defending himself, but I don't know for sure.

2021-02-18 16:22:05 UTC  

also, why make a friggin' 90 minute video if you really, really were assaulted...why not go to the police like a normal human?

2021-02-18 16:22:09 UTC  

**Did someone say TEA? RECOAT SWINE.**

2021-02-18 16:22:33 UTC  

Because then you have to do things like filling out police reports, and the funny thing is, filing a false police report is a crime, so...

2021-02-18 16:22:49 UTC  

ding ding ding we have a winner!

2021-02-18 16:23:25 UTC  

if it DID happen, cops would be in her office, gathering evidence, gathering videos, talking to people, etc.

2021-02-18 16:23:34 UTC  

Because the police are *white supremacists*

2021-02-18 16:23:50 UTC  

Especially the black ones.

2021-02-18 16:24:24 UTC  

I can imagine the FBI,etc is probably all over Pelosi's office doing an investigation. As much as I don't like Pelosi, she was in danger

2021-02-18 16:24:39 UTC  

sorta lol

2021-02-18 16:24:53 UTC  

We all wish the FBI would do something as such... maybe they'd fine evidence of corruption.

2021-02-18 16:25:11 UTC  

I don't think she was as much as people think. Even with all of the arrests at the Capitol, not a lot of firearms charges are being brought up, if any at all.

2021-02-18 16:25:56 UTC  

They were probably smart enough not to waltz into a federal building with a firearm, Mike.

2021-02-18 16:26:33 UTC  

My point is, if the claim is that they were there for violence, the evidence doesn't back that up.

2021-02-18 16:26:54 UTC  

Oh, I misread what you said. I get it now..

2021-02-18 16:27:32 UTC  

It's kinda like gun laws. You can make as many as you want, but if someone is going to commit a crime, they aren't really gonna care.

2021-02-18 16:27:57 UTC  

Gotta remember AOC's main supporters = GGG, GGG imitator #1 and GGG imitator #2

2021-02-18 16:28:05 UTC  

gun control laws just make people more dependant on government to defend them

2021-02-18 16:28:29 UTC  

Which makes the people more vulnerable to whatever the Government does.

2021-02-18 16:28:30 UTC  

Do you mean to imply that *criminals* don't care about *laws*!?!

2021-02-18 16:28:41 UTC  


2021-02-18 16:28:46 UTC  

It took me many years of careful thought to come to that conclusion.

2021-02-18 16:28:46 UTC  

Holy shimt.

2021-02-18 16:28:47 UTC  

which if history has taught us anything, government isnt very good at that

2021-02-18 16:29:16 UTC  

Let's pretend the person knocking on AOC's door REALLY wanted to harm her, do you think he would stop at "oh well,they didn't open the door for me, I'll move along" or do you think they would just break the office door down?

2021-02-18 16:29:28 UTC  

Do you think they'd even knock at all?

2021-02-18 16:30:07 UTC  

Gorilla Glue Girl lol

2021-02-18 16:30:08 UTC  

The only GGG I'm familiar with is the boxer

2021-02-18 16:30:25 UTC  

Why is she "Girl," isn't she actually like 40?

2021-02-18 16:30:48 UTC  

I thought GGG was a teen lmao

2021-02-18 16:30:49 UTC  

I saw something about her actually being 40 which legitimately takes away any and all sympathy I could have had for her.

2021-02-18 16:30:52 UTC  

**Knock knock** "We're here to put you on a cross and light it on fire." *No answer* "Damn guys. Guess we can't do it."