Message from @Jacques de Chan
Discord ID: 793904427336597516
ur indian
seethe cringe cope dialate
you're a homosexual
idk why anyone would stand the GDR if you arent russian
literally a puppet state
why would you stand for the PRP?
what is the prp
Peoples republic of Poland
why would any pole stan russian satellite poland lol
Nigga why did you not just call it commie poland
MLs describing commie states like "ugh you don't know about the PRKSBCHRP?"
im not a staliniod
"Unfortunate for the Eastern Germans in their drivel of Judeo-Bolshevik puppetry, starving day by day and being raped by NKVD Russians could not embrace the western German lifestyle of which outperformed the reds in every way possible. I pity those who couldn't march past the wall and join the glory of Germanic democracy backed by the glorious Americans, instead worshipping a failed cause that only 13 year olds in America still worship today."
because i called him indian
@Jacques de Chan cry about me mogging you
not really
my family benefited by massive land ownership
Call me when our nobility pays homage to your head of state
Call me when your country has a national identity 🥱
Are you fucking kidding me
ur national identity is getting mogged by britain and claiming to be aryan
imagine coping so hard that you still think that Capitalist nation states give a shit about your history
and then defending them
Fight Fight Fight Fight
@Erlik ᚯ after the Yugoslav civil war
hahahaa Welsh bad!
Nowadays they are owning themselves more harder than Longshanks could ever do in 10 lifetimes
turkish azerbaijan jewish greek monkydonian bosnian romanian