Message from @rodina
Discord ID: 795705048906727465
Funny 82 iq guy
I unironically got 149+ in my serious iq test
iq is cope
I dont trust it
le flexing with the iq
Nor do i give a shit
"look, im good at decoding this shitty symbols"
I got 63 IQ
Let me know when decoding shitty symbols no longer transfers over to decoding a woman's moans correctly.
Ill decode her tongue cracks
i believe all humans are biologically equal but i hate niggers because they're different
its all i need
```i believe all humans are biologically equal```But that's false.
democratic socialist just said that
If every single trait had no heritability except one with heritability over 1%, then biological equality would no longer be possible.
y aren't u racist then?
Most traits are partially heritable.
poopoo biology
IQ heritability is estimated to be between 60-90%.
how is that possible
im just stupid
that might be why im communist
there's a non-zero chance
@ingolfr send me good iq test
ill do it again
idk that any online test is that reliable
kill yourself