Message from @Punished Nazberg
Discord ID: 793698458807566358
<:Spook:793674996643921930> we already have one
we do a little gaming
@Deleted User we can bring communism to north america
@Deleted User open borders LIBTARD LOL
whats the story behind that
It was an argument over the shirtless duo disposing trash in a shared alley IIRC
I believe it was a mattress
anyway it escalated into an armed conflict and the guy saying "shoot me" got shot
How do I get roles
We can being communism to north america
That’s gonna take awhile
<#793519133177675796> is empty
HOw can thart be
COmmunism has to come to noth merica
get in vc chat, that's how we give roles
I can in a bit
Then you'll get your roles in a bit
voice talk chat
why did matt parrot talk about raping woman
Possessed by Woland
It's empty because the server just got set up right now
bc it was nuked
ask a mod to give you roles
oops wrong discord lmao
He tried to use my points
But if I see attractive woman I do her
jewish propaganda