Message from @Col
Discord ID: 794017783959519283
Who ever you are, if you are Pakistan too, just when you build the wall with india send the bill to mexico
mass democracy is low brain shit
Sure we all agree
u should really only have democracy for directing ur towns and workplaces
but the notion that republics were from all of their usages "liberal" throughout history is silly
directly electing the head of state is autism
Every system will have a group of men who are left out of reproduction, and will be willing to engage in revolution to overthrow the stagnation that prevents them from reproducing themselves.
keep in mind res publica just means "public affair" and the sovereignty is based on the commonwealth rather than monarch
@Daemon Knight That is just bioleninism
This is why monogamy was so important.
yes workers should have a degree of control over their own economic affairs
they know more about that than politics
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." And a man will die for a woman.
you have control by a pyriamid hirearchy based on a ratio of seniority(time with the job) and ability(manifest skill in field)
Did any of you reinvite the greek nietzchean guy
no u have control by stockholders
rich faggots with zero reason to care about the nation
You don't need the people who haul boxes voting on how much the steel should cost in your bulk export deal with Germany
worker ownership at least ensures they wont close their own factory down to sell the jobs to china
thats not the shit they vote on
it would still be a representative system
you don't need worker ownership for that
you can just force them not to outsource
yes but this is about cohesion
Tariffs are back in style
Capitalists should not be allowed to grow past the middle class imo
Also a democratic work place would fall apart as much as a democratic government, they would vote for more gibs, less hours, higher pay, and more control to charismatic sociopaths
thats only if ur doing it based off of wage labor
how would this work
stock is better compensation tbh
Oh god... a democratic workplace where everyone is paid off comission, is this like an ancap dystopia?
you are your own shareholder
its just called a cooperative bro
But common guy doesn't understand let alone care about shares or stocks
Progressive taxation
shares are just % ownership of the company dude